He Sees You With Your New Boyfriend (His Thoughts)

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Michael: 'Huh, she moves on fast...this guy looks like a total douche, what a snivelling little fuck, she looks good though...heck who am I kidding? She looks unbearably amazing, oh sweet jesus she isn't wearing a bra! Oh fuck, oh god, her tits...ugh I miss those tits...they look a bit swollen though...oh yeah her period is due...Michael why the fuck do you know that?! Stalker!...I miss her...oh for godsake dude don't fucking touch her boobs! He's so stupid! Obviously they're sore!...Okay, I think I'm now officially a full on stalker'

Calum: 'I am going to break that guy's neck! What the hell does he think he's doing? How dare he touch my girlfr- how dare he touch (Y/N) like that in public! He shouldn't even be touching her in private, he ought to just fuck of, stupid prick, he looks like a simpering little twat 'oh babe look at this, oh babe look at that, oh babe let me just give you a good fucking grope right in the middle of this crowd' ugh bastard'

Ashton: 'That better be her cousin or something! Cousins don't touch cousins like that though do they? Stop it stop it! Don't touch your cousin's ass you stupid oaf! Oh wow look at his tiny little hands! Those can't be very good for fingering huh buddy? Shut up Ash...Oh my god don't kiss your cousin like that!...I don't think that's her cousin...I miss her...oi dude don't fucking choke her I think she's got enough of your tongue down her throat already! Gonna make her gag you dumbass! Although...she never gagged when she was deepth-Ashton stop thinking that way!'

Luke: '(Y/N) looks like she's enjoying herself quite a bit...I can't see why though...her new boyfriend kisses like he's trying to vacuum her eyeballs out through her mouth...just saying...I'm a much better kisser than that retard...he doesn't deserve her, she's my girlfriend! He's such a short little fucker...he's not (Y/N)'s type at all...and his hair looks like it hasn't been washed in weeks...pig, he better get his filthy paws off her!"

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