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Michael: Imagine school bad boy Michael, who is always flirting with you in class and teasing you in the hallways, knocking on your door in the middle of the night, his head low as you let him in, you'd ask him what was wrong, calling him Mikey to tease him, he'd let out a soft growl at the nickname, allowing you to tilt his face up towards the light, the whole left side of his face would be swollen and bloody, grimacing as you gasp and flinching as you touch his bruised cheek, he'd feel all sissy and emasculated when you dab at his bloody nose with a Hello Kitty towel, brushing you off and wiping his nose roughly on his sleeve, rolling his eyes as you scold him, you'd ask him about why he'd gotten into another fight and he'd shrug, cringing away as you brought the Hello Kitty towel near his face again, but you'd grab his chin and pull him forwards, rubbing dry blood off his forehead. Knowing full well he has a short temper, you would continue pestering him about the fight until he snaps, slamming his fist down on the table, snarling at you to "fucking drop it", you wouldn't be able to help flinching and he would notice, his green eyes softening, he'd run a hand through his hair and sigh, sitting quietly as you wiped the last of the blood off his face, your hand lingering over his pink lips, his breathing would get really shallow and his cheeks would flush, his eyes darting between yours, your lips, and the ground, his eyelashes skimming his pale cheeks "it was that asshole Billy Griggs, he was going around telling everyone you're a whore" he'd admit, his voice low "and you stood up for me?" You'd ask shyly, he'd shrug, blushing harder, his eyes on his feet. He wouldn't be expecting you to tilt his face up gently and press your lips to his, but his reaction would be instant, pulling you flush against his chest and deepening the kiss, not caring that it stung his bruised lip, he'd have waited for this moment for three years and it would have to be perfect.

Luke: Imagine library assistant Luke always watching you through the corner of his eye when you come in, his heart racing whenever you came up to ask him something, he'd always intentionally mess up the books in the corner of the library that you sit, ensuring that there is always reason for him to hang around till you leave, arranging books and watching you wistfully, if you would ever come in with a boy, Luke would get so insanely jealous, and he would spend the whole day dwelling over it, nursing the jealously till it would practically drive him crazy. "Hey uhm Luke? Luke? Lu-uke?" He'd snap out of his daze and his eyes would meet yours, blush instantly flooding his face "yes! Hi! Can-can I help you?" He'd stammer, you would giggle, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear "well I know you're really good at math" he would turn bright red "and I'm absolutely hopeless" nervous chuckle "and I was wondering if maybe you could help me out a bit?" He would freeze, backtracking and replaying your words in his head "yes yes of course I'd love to-...I mean...well yeah...sure, I think I have a bit of-of time" you'd smile and sit back down, gesturing for him to join you. Heart a-racing, palms a-sweating, mind a-trippin' , he'd sit down beside you, he'd be great at formulating the sentences in his head, but getting them to pass through his lips was near impossible "Luke are you okay?" The way you said his name was like a chorus of angels "just a bit...a little-a bit nervy-nervous" he'd blurt "was it something I did?" "Well apart from being-the most beautiful person in the history of ever...no nuthin'" his words would take you by surprise, and you'd be even more shocked when his blue eyes met yours "twenty seconds of courage, right?" He'd mumble to himself "I've still got about nine left" and suddenly his lips would be on yours, the kiss soft, and gentle, and desperate, and needy, all his emotions would be conveyed into this kiss and you wouldn't be able to help kissing back, incapable of any other response, his lips would be like a drug, setting fire to you for the first time in forever.

Calum: Imagine waiter Calum, all dressed up in a crisp white dress shirt, a black tie dangling loosely around his neck as he pours out drinks for you and your family, his beautiful brown eyes scanning lazily over your body, lingering at the plunging neckline of your dress, he'd smirk, his tongue darting out over those perfect plump rosy lips, you'd roll your eyes, thankful that your foundation covers up the blush in your cheeks, because you secretly like the attention, especially when it's coming from him, he'd hand you a menu, leaning over you from behind, flexing his pecs as they press against your back, you'd stammer out a thanks, your voice hitching when he chuckles softly, his lips grazing your ear, the warm gush of his breath on your neck making your skin tingle, then he'd stand up straight and flash a smile at your father "I'll be back in a moment to take your orders" his voice innocent and charming as he strides off. And true to his word, he is back in a moment, pouring out icy water for everyone, your father would place the orders, and as Calum would circle the table, plucking up the menus, he'd lean over you again "I'm starving baby, and you look like you taste absolutely delicious" He'd whisper, one hand squeezing your thigh, you'd bite your lip to keep in your whimper and he'd smirk, walking towards the kitchens and throwing you a wink "call me" he'd mouth, you'd be confused until you looked down to find a scrap of paper tucked between your thighs, his phone number scrawled on in his messy hurried scribble, his name-almost like an afterthought- added at the bottom 'so you'll know what to scream tonight princess' you scrunch it into your palm, whipping your head up to see him standing by the kitchen doors, his sleeves pushed up to expose tattooed forearms, smirking at you, he winks before disappearing behind the doors.

Ashton: Imagine second grade teacher Ashton getting all flustered and blushy when you drop in on his class, the tops of his ears and his cheeks tinging bright red as his students giggle "is she your girlfriend?" His curious students would receive a quick, shy nod in response, Ashton pushing his glasses up on his nose and running his fingers through his hair "Are you gonna get married Mr Irwie?" He'd be caught off guard, stammering to come up with an answer, laughing nervously, the blush creeping up his neck as his students giggle. Soon everyone would settle down and Ashton would write some math problems on the board for the kids to solve, but he'd turn around and see you perched on his desk, biting your lip and watching him, his glasses stolen from his drawer and resting on your face "o-okay...twenty minutes you guys" he'd stutter, panicking at the feeling of his pants tightening over his crotch "fu-uck baby, why do you have to be so hot all the time" his lips would be pressed against your ear, his breath heavy and hot against your skin "Mr Irwie! Stop it, there's kids here" you would hiss, teasing him, pretending to be scandalized, but Ashton would roll his eyes and push himself between your legs, forcing his hard on against your inner thigh "ya'feel that?" He would whisper, his eyes fluttering closed at the tiny bit of friction, your eyes widening and you giggle "jesus Ash, how horny are you?" You'd breathe, he'd groan softly under his breath and shake his head "you have no idea baby, I wanna bend you over this desk and fuck you sen-" "Mr Irwie!" The voice would be clear and innocent as a bell, and Ashton would rip himself away from you in an instant, grabbing a textbook to slap over his crotch, his face turning bright red as he kneels beside a cluster of desks, his green pen flying over notebooks and marking answers, but eventually, he would stop thinking about you and would relax, smiling loosely and helping his students, leaving you to figure out the end of his sentence alone.

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