You Break Up Because You're Pregnant And You Run Into Him Years Later (Part One)

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Luke: "Skye get back here!" you yell, running after your five year old daughter, she giggles and ducks around a corner

you speed up and suddenly, the heel of your shoes gets stuck in a grate and you can't pull it out, so you step out of it and keep running after your daughter

you finally catch up to her at a candy stand and squat in front of her "Skye, you are never to run away from me like that again, okay? You had me really worried" you pant

she doesn't reply, instead she's staring over your shoulder, you follow her gaze and spot a man, but not just any man, your ex boyfriend, and Skye's father, Luke

you quickly scoop Skye into your arms and hurry away "(Y/N) wait!" Luke calls, you face him and he holds your shoe out, a sheepish grin on his face "I thought you'd want this back" he says quietly

you snatch the shoe and shove your foot into it "what are you doing at Disney Land anyways?" you snap "well I heard from Calum that Skye was turning five today and that you were bringing her here, so I decided to come down here and see if I could find you" he explains

"you weren't at any of her other birthdays, why is it suddenly important now?" you ask "mommy who is this man?" Skye whines, Luke opens his mouth but you glare at him and he snaps it shut again

"no one" you say "now if you'll excuse us Luke, Skye is really tired, so we're going to go home" you growl and stalk off.

Ashton: "hey mom! There's some dude at the door who wants to see you, his name's Ashton" your son yells, you gulp and go to the door "Simon, go upstairs while I talk to him" you instruct

"why? Are you two going to start making out or something? Cause if he touches you I'll punch him in the face" your son mutters, you point at the stairs and he skulks off

you lay a shaky hand on the door and open it, and immediately your eyes connect with his, he looks a bit different, but his eyes are still the same, soft and warm

"what do you want?" you ask him wearily "I want to see my son" he says quietly, you glare at him "it has been seventeen years Ashton, you can't just come in after seventeen years and start acting like a father" you snap

"but he's my son" he repeats, you shake your head "if I drop news like this on him now, his whole life will be turned upside down" you explain

"please, just give me a chance! You have no idea how much I regret not being there for him" Ashton begs, you sigh tears filling your eyes "I'll talk to him and we'll see" you mumble, before closing the door in his face.

Michael: "Mummy watch this!" your three year old son squeals, he runs in a zig zag pattern over the playground, his messy hair flying in his face

you gasp as he falls and immediately starts bawling, you rush across the playground but by the time you reach him a man is already crouched by him

he glances up and your blood runs cold "Michael" you breath "I figured he needed me" he says.

Calum: "Is it just me or does that guy look just like André?" your fifteen year old daughter asks, shifting her eyes to a man watching you from the corner of the store

"he looks nothing like me Zöe" her twin laughs "yeah he looks nothing like André! Now come on kids we're leaving" you snap, propelling the twins out and into the street

"mom chill" Zöe giggles, you glance behind you and realise Calum followed you out of the store, you open the car and shove your kids in "(Y/N)!" Calum yells, you freeze and slowly turn to face him

"go away Calum, I don't need this right now" you snap and climb into the car, zooming off.

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