You Get Pregnant From A One Night Stand

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Michael: Michael was a friend of a friend, and the chemistry between you had been undeniable. So after a few drinks, when you had found yourself in bed with him at his place, you didn't question it. Now just three months later, you are standing outside his apartment in the pouring rain, a positive pregnancy test clutched in your hands. The moment Michael opens the door, you thrust the test out towards him. His face pales and he steps aside, allowing you to come in. You stand dripping in the entryway and he ushers you into the living room, following you closely. "You're shivering" he blurts, a small smile darts over your cold blue lips "no shit Mike" you chuckle. You meet his eyes and tears begin to brim in yours. "I don't know what I'm gonna do" you say weakly, Michael bites his lip, his face falling as you begin to sob softly. He opens his arms, pulling you into a warm hug. "Hey it's okay" he whispers, rubbing your arm. His voice sounds sure and you lean in towards him. "I take full responsibility" he adds. You feel relief flooding your mind and you pull away from his embrace, wiping your cheeks and taking deep breaths. "Thank you" you murmur, sitting down on the couch and wrapping your arms around yourself. "Shit is gonna hit the fan when people find out" Michael says quietly, sitting down beside you. You nod, wiping your nose with the back of your hand "I don't have to keep it if you don't want" you say, trying to sound sure despite the quiver in your voice. Michael shakes his head, his lips parting and closing a few time before he says "No-no I wouldn't feel right...this is your decision, I'll support you with whatever you choose to do". You fold your hands in your lap and nod "well then...I guess we're having a baby" you whisper. Michael's hand finds yours and you squeeze it hard "I guess we are" he repeats, giving you a gentle smile.

Luke: You and Luke had been childhood friends, and when he had popped into town in between his world tour, a drunken game of truth or dare had gotten a little out of control. Now he's finally back in town, and you've invited him over, subtly implying a round two to ensure he makes an appearance. You stare at the text on your phone until your eyes blur, your mouth dry as a desert. You see another text pop up and you swallow hard. Until now you thought it would be easy to break the news of your pregnancy to Luke, but now, with him standing at your door, you're starting to get scared. Your phone begins to buzz and Luke's name flashes on the screen. "Hey (Y/N) didn't you see my messages? I'm here" his voice makes you weak at the knees, and not in a good way. "I-I...sorry-yeah-I'll be right there" you stammer, before hanging up. You run your palms over the swell of your belly and sigh, waddling towards the door. The moment it swings open, you plaster a fake smile over your face and hope for the best. "(Y/N)!'re pregnant!" Luke exclaims, the shock is evident in his face and he laughs nervously "why-why-why...are you...pregnant?" He asks, his voice tense. "Uh well, you tell me Mr. Two condoms work better than one" you say nervously, trying to force a laugh. Luke's eyes grow as big as saucers and he falters, still chuckling nervously
"y-you have no proof its mine" he stammers, beads of sweat breaking out on his forehead. " know I wouldn't lie to you about this" you say firmly, he runs a hand through his hair, his mouth still opening and closing soundlessly. "But-but I'm not ready to be a father" he mumbles, his voice weak. In that moment he looks like a child himself, his blue eyes wide and lost, and his lower lip slightly pouted out, as though he is waiting for you to burst out laughing and say it's all a joke. You sigh "I'm not ready to be a mother either Luke, but here we are. Our son needs us". Luke's eyes fall to your bump "it's a boy?" He asks softly, you nod, giving him a smile, he takes a deep breath, looking from your face to your bump "can I...can I touch your tummy?" He asks. You smile wider, and reach for his shaky hands, guiding them to cradle your bump, where your son has been kicking for a few minutes. Luke gasps "he's saying hello" you giggle. You can see Luke relax, and you know that the three of you are going to be okay.

Ashton: It was only two months ago that you had started sleeping with your brother's best friend Ashton, and his weak pull out game had lead you to your current position. Standing at the top of the stairs, with hospital papers in your hands confirming your pregnancy. You watch him playing video games with your brother, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose and sweeping his curls back from his forehead. Ignoring the tears filling your eyes, you hurry down the stairs and clear your throat loudly to get their attention. You notice the way Ashton looks at you, his eyes dragging over your body hungrily. "Ash I uh...I need your help with something" you say as clearly as you can. A smirk tugs at his lips and he gets up, sauntering after you into the kitchen. "Hey babe" he drawls, pulling you close to him and latching his lips to your collar bone, you are quiet, allowing him to leave a trail of kisses up your neck as you try and gather your courage. As Ashton's lips meet yours, you begin to cry, hard. You bury your face in his neck and allow him to wrap you in his arms "baby what's wrong?" He asks softly. He rubs your back, letting you sob into his shirt "baby tell me what's wrong and I'll fix it" he begins to shower tiny kisses all over your face. "You can't fix this" you whimper, hiccuping as he smooths your hair from your face. "Aw baby, I'm sure I can help." He says encouragingly, you shake your head and he sighs, pressing his lips to yours in a gentle kiss. "Then how about I make you feel better huh?" He breathes, a smile forming on his face, his thumb rubbing circles on your hip. He presses his lips to yours again "I'm pregnant" you blurt. Ashton freezes, and a second passes before he pulls away from you "b-but how?" He stammers, shaking his head and backing away. "Pulling out isn't really the best form of contraception" you hiccup, looking down. "(Y/N)'re not planning to keep it are you?" He asks, his eyes wide. "Oh now I'm (Y/N)? When you want sex it's all baby this baby that! But now there's a real live baby in the picture you wanna get distant?!" You snap, you glare at Ashton and shake your head "how dare you ask me to get an abortion" you hiss, your voice full of venom. "I didn't-that's not what I meant. I just thought since you're still in school, and I'm never around..." Ashton trails off, biting his lip. You sigh, sitting down heavily, your face crumpling as you start crying again. "Hey don't worry, I'll take care of you okay?" Ashton whispers, sitting beside you and wrapping you in his arms. "As long as your brother doesn't kill me, I'll be here for you" he smiles.

Calum: It's been six months since you last saw Calum, the two of you had hooked up at a party a few months before that, and you had been well into your pregnancy before he left on a world tour, you just hadn't had the courage to tell him. You barely even knew him, the night you slept with him, both of you had been sufficiently drunk and you could remember little from the night, although you do remember waking up alone in the hotel, feeling extremely cheap and incredibly sore, and finding a little note tucked into your bra with his phone number on it. So now, he is sitting in your living room, waiting for you to come downstairs. You push your hair back and change your breast milk stained t-shirt, glancing at your four month old daughter who is fast asleep in her cot. "Hey you" Calum grins, standing up to kiss your cheek as you come down the stairs "hey" you reply, sitting down with a sigh. "What's wrong?" He asks with a frown, pouting his plump lips intentionally to get you to smile. You bite your lip, trying to decide how to break the news to Calum that he has a baby. His fingers play with the hem of your sweater and he gives you a cheeky smile "oh no Calum, I-I can't" you mumble, pushing his hands away. "Why not?" He whines, pouting again, you let out a breath of air and bite your lip some more. "You remember when we...y'know...and it kinda looked like the condom broke but you said it would be fine, and I got a pregnancy test but you peed on it because you thought it would be funny, and we laughed and had sex again, and then you left in the middle of the night like a douche? Remember that?" You ramble, trying to sound as relaxed as possible. Calum's eyebrows knit together and he frowns "where are you going with this?" He asks, you bite the skin of your thumb and squint at the ceiling. "Uh...basically I'm pregnant-well was-I was pregnant, and now I have given birth and I-well we-we have a daughter" you stammer. Right on time, you hear cries from upstairs and Calum's face pales even more "This is-I mean-(Y/N)-I came here thinking we we're gonna hook up and suddenly I'm a father?!" He exclaims. You sigh, standing to head upstairs "I'm sorry Calum, I know it's a surprise...but you'll love her the moment you set your eyes on her" you say softly. Calum follows you up the stairs and watches from the door as you feed your daughter. "How old is she?" He asks, you smile, stroking her chubby cheek "four months" reply, glancing over at him as you bounce her in your arms. "Is she...real?" He asks, his cheeks flushing as he realizes how stupid the question sounds, you chuckle and nod. You pad over to Calum slowly, giving him an encouraging smile, he takes a step towards you, his face a mixture of emotions as he looks at his daughter. "She looks like me" he whispers, his voice dripping in awe. She really does look like her father, with her black curls and chubby cheeks, topped off with his distinctive dark eyes and plump rosebud lips, she is a spitting image of him. "She's perfect" he breathes, you nod and he smiles goofily, gently running his finger over her silky hair "hey princess, it's Calu-it's-it's your daddy" he murmurs. You feel a smile spread over your face and you lean in towards Calum, happiness filling you up.

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