He's Cheating With You

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Calum: "Hey baby" he coos, resting his hands on your hips "hi" you giggle, as he presses his lips to yours "how long can you stay this time?" You ask, already tugging his shirt off

"two hours max" he mumbles, trailing his lips down your neck "what did you tell the missus?" You smirk "told her I had a highly important business meeting" he chuckles, his hands pushing your clothes off

"And you and I are meeting, and we do have highly important business to take care of" he adds, laying you on the hotel bed "oh we do do we?" You say innocently

he nods, pushing his boxers down his legs "very important" he growls, shoving into you, you gasp and dig your nails into his shoulder blades

He thrusts into you fast, fastening his lips to your neck and nipping at your jaw, his thrusts get harder and sweat drips down his face, onto your chest

"Holy shit Calum I-I-fuck goddamn" you scream as your orgasm overtakes you, he soon follows, panting and groaning

After recovering, he gets dressed and kisses your forehead "I'll see you tomorrow yeah babe?" He murmurs, leaving you to sleep.

Luke: "So what excuse did you give her this time?" You mutter, glaring at him "I don't need this right now (Y/N), I came here so I could relieve stress not add more" Luke snaps

"So is that all I am to you, somewhere to release all your bad energy?" You ask "no, I didn't say that, I just meant that I get enough of this from her" he growls

"I guess you're right, I don't have the right to nag, I'm not the girlfriend, I'm just the mistress" you mumble "(Y/N)" he sighs "no no, thanks for uh making me feel cheap Luke, let's just get on with it" you say briskly

"(Y/N)! You know that's not what I meant! You know how much you mean to me" he cries "bet I wouldn't mean anything if I wasn't sleeping with you" you snap "(Y/N)! I love you! You know I do! But you know I can't leave her, she's pregnant and I want to be there for my kid!" He cries

"Yeah? Well guess what? You're really fucked! I'm pregnant too!" You snarl, he gapes at you "w-what?" He stammers, you nod "w-well I'll...I'll take care of you" he stutters, pulling you into his arms.

Michael: You open your eyes slowly, giggling softly as Michael's fingertips travel over the lovebites he left on your neck last night "I thought you'd be gone by now" you whisper "yeah, but I thought I'd stay a little longer, maybe make you breakfast" he murmurs, his voice still husky from sleep

"Hmm, the mistress gets the treats for once" you chuckle "ha ha, you know I give you way more treats than her" he grins, brushing your bangs out of your face "in fact I was thinking...maybe I'd give you one right now, before breakfast" he teases, climbing on top of you

"Michael" you warn "come on, just one little taste" he begs "I don't know Mikey, don't you have to get home?" You ask softly "not for a while, and anyways, you and I both know that these lips will have you cumming in two minutes" he laughs, moving his head in between your thighs.

Ashton: He has you bent over the kitchen counter, driving into you desperately "Ash...I-I'm so close" you gasp "let go baby" he grunts and you whimper, your legs shaking as you hit your high, moments later he does as well "god you're so much better than her" he groans

You smile softly as he pulls you towards your bedroom, you lie down, spooning, and he kisses your neck gently "I'll stay till you go to sleep" he murmurs "I'll see you soon rigt?" You murmur, he nods and you close your eyes drifting off to sleep.

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