"I Want To Take Care Of You"

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Ashton: "No" he says bluntly, his arms crossed over his chest, biceps bulging "why not?" You snap, glowering at him, he shakes his head and clenches his jaw "you don't need a job" he states, his hazel eyes narrowed "I can't just be entirely dependent on you, do you have any idea how demeaning and just plain wrong that is?" You exclaim "you don't need a job, I make enough support both of us. You're not getting a job" his voice is cold and commanding "Ashton what is your problem? If I want a job I'll get one!" You growl, slamming your computer closed and storming off to your bedroom. Soon he comes in, but you pretend to be sleeping "babe I know you're awake" he whispers, crawling over the bed and pulling you into his arms "get off" you mutter, trying to hide your teary face from him "I just-I want to take care of you baby, if you get a job, you'll be out of the house all day, doing god knows what with god knows who, and I won't be able to protect you" he murmurs, kissing your sweet spot gently and stroking your hair "I'm nineteen Ash, I'm not a baby" you chuckle "you're my baby" he teases, his finger slips below your chin and he raises your face up, meshing your lips together "but I guess if you wanna get a job...you can, I don't really have the right to keep you from that anyway" he mumbles, his forehead pressed to yours.

Calum: "Are you feeling any better?" Calum frets, adjusting the pillows behind your head for the umpteenth time "Calum I'm trying to sleep" you grumble, glaring at him "right right of course sorry" he mumbles, placing another blanket on top of you "Calum I don't need another blanket, it's boiling under here" you sigh, opening your eyes and giving him an exasperated glare "oh I'm sorry would you like me to turn the heating down?" He asks, pulling a few blankets off you "no it's fine" you mutter, closing your eyes "I-I'm sorry for disturbing you darling...I only want to take care of you, because I love you, you know that right?" He whispers "yeah Cal, I love you too, and you're doing a great job, I feel much better" you giggle "oh...I helped then" he grins, looking extremely proud of himself "I'll go make soup!" He announces and hurries off to the kitchen.

Michael: You are at a club with your best friend Michael and he has disappeared for a moment to fetch your drink from the bar, you sway to the beat of the music and suddenly you feel a pair of warm hands around your waist and someone's crotch pressed up hard against your ass, slightly tipsy you laugh and grind against him, but soon he gets out of hand and you can feel his fingers trying to creep into your panties "hey stop it you perv" you protest, trying to yank away from him "oh shut up (Y/N), you're such a little slut" a voice slurs in your ear, you tense up, you'd know that voice anywhere, you look over your shoulder, still struggling to free yourself, and there he is, leering at you, your ex "hey get the fuck off her!" It's Michael back with the drinks, but he's dropped them, the glasses shattering on the floor, and suddenly he's on top of Andrew, punching him, the crowd immediately scatters, and you watch, frozen, as Michael and Andrew beat the shit out of each other, suddenly Michael grabs an empty tequila bottle and smashes it over Andrew's head, knocking him out cold, there is silence and then chaos, everybody running around, and you are being jostled allover the place "(Y/N!)" Michael's arms are around you and he drags you out into the cool night air "Michael! I can't believe you did that! Are you crazy?!" You exclaim, he has blood smeared over his lip and his eye is swelling up, he wipes his mouth roughly and spits a mouthful of blood behind him "I was just protecting you" he mutters "but you got hurt" you scold him, examining his split knuckles "I want to take care of you...I love you" he admits "ya I love you too Mikey, but you don't need to get into a bar fight for me" you sigh, he groans, frustrated, and grabs your face, pressing his mouth to yours "I love you" he mumbles into the kiss.

Luke: You can't breathe, you lean against the bathroom door, coughing and sobbing "(Y/N) come out!" Your teacher calls "no I-I can't" you choke "she's having a panic attack Miss, she can't just stop it" your best friend explains "(Y/N)? Babe? I called Luke okay? He's on his way" she tells you

You slump to the ground, your body convulsing, a steady flow of tears running down your face, and soon you hear Luke's voice outside the door, he shoos everyone, telling them to leave you alone "baby it's just me now, please open the door and we can talk this through" he begs "no"

"Baby girl I just want to take care of you" he murmurs, slowly you unlock the door and he steps into the bathroom, scooping you into his arms "your teacher told me you ran in here thirty minutes into your exam? Was it really hard? Or were you just over stressed, because I know you studied for it" he whispers, his lips pressed to your temple, you shrug and snuggle against him, finally calming down.

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