One Of The Other Boys Gets Too Close

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Calum: "I'll be right back babe" Calum grins, hopping up to take his turn in the recording booth, you hum, not moving from your comfortable position, and very soon you're asleep, dreaming blissfully, but not too long goes by and you are awoken "(Y/N)? (Y/N), you're drooling" you are being shaken, and your dream evaporates as Michael appears in front of you, he chuckles and sits beside you "what...?" you mumble, slowly sitting up "you're kinda drooling love" he smirks, you notice his phone in front of your face, but it takes a few seconds for you to realise what he's doing "Michael no!" you squeal, ducking your head, but it's too late "Michael!" you launch for his phone but he dances out of your reach, laughing loudly "Michael Gordon Clifford" you say in your fiercest voice as you move towards him, he smirks and as you launch he raises the phone high in the air and out of your reach, you groan in frustration, jumping to reach it "hey (Y/N), pause one second, you've still got drool right there" he snickers, you frown, rubbing your face "no, no come here, I'll get it" he grabs your jaw, moving your face closer, before suddenly poking his tongue out to lick your cheek "Michael!" you whine, shoving him off as he dissolves in giggles "hey stop licking my girlfriend Clifford" Calum grumbles, appearing out of the recording booth, he wraps his arms around your waist and suddenly licks your nose, making you squeal "only I can do that" he smirks.

Michael: "I'm tired" you mumble, your eyes closed as you snuggle up to your boyfriend Michael on the couch, you hum, enjoying his warmth as he wraps an arm around you, you nuzzle your face against his neck, loving the feel of his stubble against your cheek "mm you smell different today" you breathe, you are sure that he probably can't hear you, but you are too exhausted to care, slipping in and out of sleep as your body relaxes, your face eventually falling into Michael's lap, you can barely hear him chuckling, knowing he'll probably have a list of perverted jokes running through his mind. You are soon completely asleep, unable to feel Michael's hand on your back, stroking soothing circles on your skin. Suddenly you hear Michael's voice, and he doesn't sound happy, dragging your eyes open, you see him standing in front of you, you sit up in a rush to find that the Michael you've been sleeping on is in fact Luke "Michael-Michael relax! She was just sleeping!" "Yeah well...well it looked like she was sucking you off" Michael grumbles, you can't help but giggle at how possesive and jealous he is, you shake your head, cupping his cheek in your hand "Michael I thought he was you, I was just sleeping anyways babe, although while I was asleep I had a dream...and if we go to your bunk, I want you to help me recreate my dream" you smirk, winking at him.

Luke: "Baby I'm gonna go to the bathroom, I'll be back in a minute" Luke mumbles, standing up and dusting sand off the back of his swim trunks, you hum, peeling off your shirt "hey Ash?" You call, he looks up from his phone and quirks an eyebrow "could you help me with my tanning oil?" You ask, holding up a bottle of tanning oil "sure" he smirks, you roll your eyes and untie your bikini strings, lying on your stomach as his warm hands rub oil over your back and shoulders, he massages your back, forcing you to bite your lip to keep in a groan "what's going on here?" Luke's voice shakes you out of your daze and you look up "just helping her with her tanning oil" Ashton says innocently, backing away "yeah well don't" Luke grumbles, replacing Ashton's hands with his own, sending shivers down your spine, you can tell he's angry, the way he lets his hands wander possesively over your ass, kissing your shoulders and neck roughly, not caring whether  anyone is watching or not.

Ashton: "What the fuck?! You so could have caught that! Useless!" Calum yells, chucking a pillow at the TV, you giggle, smirking at him "we're gonna win, you're gonna lose, like always, because you're losers" you chuckle, watching as your team scores another goal "no! Nooo! This is cheating! The ref is obviously biased!" He yells, the match is almost over and your team is ahead by three goals "you guys suck" you laugh, Calum scoffs but is quiet, you lean against his shoulder, giggling as he curses softly under his breath when his team loses the ball "what are you yelling about you guys?" You don't look away from the screen, shushing your boyfriend instead "what's going on here?" "Shutup Ash" Calum mutters, there are only a few seconds left in the game and his team has a free kick, but the ball goes soaring over the goalpost just as the whistle blows "you're fucking kidding me right?" He shouts "tragic" you smirk, padding out of the room to let him grieve "Ash?" You call, you get no response, you go into your bedroom to find him on the bed, scrolling through his phone "the match over yet?" He spits, you frown, sitting next to him "what's wrong?" You ask, he rolls his eyes and ignores you "Ashton?" You murmur, he sighs, turning to face you "whenever you watch football with Calum you completely block me out, you don't even care about me, it's like he's your boyfriend instead, you guys get all cuddly and you just tell me to shutup if I say one word" he mutters, you frown "I know I shouldn't be jealous but I can't help it" he crawls on top of you, slowly kissing down your neck "if you wanna see some sweaty guy overexerting himself for the pleasure of others, baby I'm right here" he smirks, grinding his hips against yours as you whimper.

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