He Takes Your Virginity But He's A Lot Older Than You (His P.O.V)

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Luke: Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I fucked a fourteen year old. Oh fuck. I took a fourteen year old girl's virginity. I slowly look over at (Y/N), she is fast asleep in my hotel bed, her hair a mess, her lips swollen and hickeys on her neck. What have I done?! Her chest rises and falls slowly, a tiny smile lingering on her face. She really is beautiful, but she's so young, but it felt so good, and she was so brave...and tight, damn she was tight. Why did I do that? Fuck.

Ashton: When I wake up I yawn and turn my head, and lying right next to me, naked and messy, is a young girl who barely looks a day over sixteen, I gulp, shaking my head, no way I did that, even when I'm totally hammered I wouldn't! But as I look around it becomes more and more evident that I did do it. There are clothes carelessly strewn about, discarded in our hurry to reach the bed, she has the appearance of someone who has been fucked, and fucked thoroughly. But the thing that worries me most, is that there isn't a condom in sight. Shit bugger I'm so damn screwed.

Michael: Oh god, fuck shit bloody hell. I didn't make it special did I? That's why she cried before she left, girls always want the first time to be special...or maybe she was just really sore, oh god...she was thirteen. She was thirteen!  That's six years younger than me. Fucking hell I took a thirteen year old's virginity...why'd she say she was seventeen? Heck why'd I believe her? She looked fifteen at the most. I'm so stupid.  Poor thing. I'm such a fucking asshole.

Calum: Sixteen isn't all that bad right?...It isn't legal though, I could actually get in trouble for this, she's a minor. She's a kid. I fucked a kid! And it was her first time, what a shit way to lose it...I feel terrible, I was her first and I fucked her behind a fucking dumpster...and left her there! Shit I'm a prick, I'm going to hell for this. Although despite it all, no matter how much of a douche I sound like, I'm a little proud of myself, I got my fourth virginity...granted the other three were all legal adults...fuck I'm a douche bag.

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