He Asks You To Move In

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Ashton: "Do you want to live with me?" He asked randomly, looking up from his pasta "I mean we've been together for a year now, and we love each other, the only way our relationship would be better is if we lived together!" He states, you nod thoughtfully, chewing a mouthful of pasta

"Just imagine! No more waking up super early to go home and get ready for work, no more leaving things here or there, plus if we live together you won't have to pay that ridiculous rent on your apartment, and best of all, sex whenever we want it, it's perfect!" He exclaims, grabbing your hand "you make a good case Irwin" you giggle, biting your lip

"And I can't say no, I would love to live here!" You admit, he pumps his fist in the air and leans over the table, pressing his lips to yours "we'll start moving your stuff tomorrow" he says eagerly.

Michael: "Hey (Y/N)? I was thinking maybe...I don't know, since you're here all the time that you could have maybe...a drawer for some clothes and makeup shit, you know if you want..." Michael suggested, smiling up at you shyly from his spot in bed "a whole drawer?! Just for little old me?!" You tease, pulling his Led Zeppelin shirt on over your leggings

He laughs and gets up, tugging on his sweatpants "maybe two drawers...and half of the closet too" he grins, pressing a kiss to your forehead, you nod and shrug "or...you could just...move in with me?...Or we could find a new place or something?-I don't know-its dumb, forget it" he rambles, blush tinging his cheeks pink

"It isn't dumb...I think it's great, I'd love to live here" you smile, his green eyes light up and a nervous laugh bubbles up out of his mouth "I kinda thought you were gonna freak out" he mumbles, you giggle and shake your head, kissing him softly "you noob, now come on let's go make breakfast, I'm starved" you grin.

Calum: You are woken up by Calum gently shaking your shoulder, you groan and open your eyes "what's the time?" You grumble "six am" Calum whispers "ugh, what's wrong with you? That's like the middle of the fucking night" you grunt, rolling over and trying to go back to bed "but I-I need to talk to you" he mumbles, poking your back

"What?" You snap, turning to face him "I love you, and you love me...right?" Calum asks, you nod and he smiles "well uh good and I uh-would you uh-do you wanna uh...I mean since I love you, and you love me, and we love each other, and we've been dating for a while now...and we love each other...I was just wondering if uh-do you wanna move in with me? Or get a new place together? I don't mind, I'm game for whatever! And if you say no its cool, I don't mind-infact forget this ever happened okay? You can go back to sleep now! I'm sorry..." he babbles, twisting his hands together

You are quiet for a second and you can hear Calum's shallow breathing "I love you Calum, and I would love to live here with you" you chuckle, wrapping your arms around his waist "oh thank god, I think my heart just stopped beating for a second there!" He laughs, letting out a sigh of relief and kissing the top of your head.

Luke: "Do you think we should buy a house?" Luke asks nervously, scratching the back of his neck "a house? What for?" You laugh, sitting next to him, he shrugs, his ears turning bright red "I don't know...I just saw a couple of ads for a really nice house in Sydney and I just thought...it'd be...nice" he says lamely

"In Sydney? That's all the way on the other side of the world, are you serious?" You ask, your eyebrows raised "well yeah...I knew you'd be a little apprehensive but-it's a great place and, I really want to settle down with you, and I just, I really want our kids to grow up where I grew up" he admits "wait wait wait! Our kids?! Luke where is all this coming from?!" You exclaim

"I was just thinking of the future-our future and I just...you know what? Never mind, I'm just being stupid" he mutters, blush covering his whole face "Luke...it's not stupid, I just think you're getting a little ahead of yourself" you say softly, rubbing his arm "well...what about you come and live with me here, in my apartment?" He asks "I'd like that" you giggle, kissing him gently.

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