The Morning After...

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Ashton: He hits you.

You are woken up by the smell of coffee and slowly stretch out, you see Ashton in the doorway, your favourite mug in his hands. The same hands which just last night had caused you so much pain. "Hey...I brought you coffee" he blurts, setting it down on your bedside table, the sudden movement making you flinch, he darts back to the doorway, hurt in his eyes "thanks" you whisper, taking a sip, you can't help the smile that tugs at your lips, Ashton always made your coffee perfectly, with a ton of sugar and a hint of cinnamon. You set the mug back down and stare at your hands in your lap "you don't have to stay way over there, it's your room too" you mumble, he nods, sitting tentatively at the end of the bed, you rub your eye and your hand bumbs the bruise on your cheekbone, making you wince, Ashton opens his mouth and closes it again, staring at the bruise "stop it!" You snap "stop acting so distant and guilty!" His eyes dart to the floor as he mutters an apology "I just want to pretend it never happened" you sigh, he turns to face you, and you can see him struggling to keep his gaze on yours instead of your bruise "it's kind of hard to pretend when you have a massive purple patch on your face (Y/N)! We can't just pretend this never happened! Aren't you scared? Don't you resent me? Aren't you going to find someone who deserves you? Who can treat you like you want to be treated? Like you should be treated?" Ashton cries, his voice is desperate "I love you Ashton, I want us to get past this. I don't want to talk about it okay? I provoked you and you lost your temper, it was an accident, I'm not going to leave you" "but what if I do it again? I'm so scared I'll do it again" he whimpers, his eyes wide, you lay your hand on his and kiss him gently "you won't" you say firmly "now let's stop talking about this please? I just really need a long warm hug from my boyfriend" you say weakly, reaching out for him as he envelopes you in his arms.

Michael: You lose your virginity to him.

When you wake up, you are overwhelmed by an intense pain between your legs, you groan, sitting up gingerly "hey baby, I wasn't expecting you up so early" Michael smiles, popping his head around the bathroom door, you can see he is in the middle of shaving and you return his smile weakly. "So...are you okay?" He asks gently when he steps out of the bathroom, freshly shaved and with his hair messy and wet, you nod slowly, and he raises his eyebrows "can you walk?" You shake your head, laughing shyly, he climbs into bed next to you and wraps his arms around you, enveloping you in the minty scent of his aftershave, you hum in pleasure, nuzzling your face against his neck and inhaling deeply "you sore?" He murmurs, kissing the side of your head "...yeah" you say quietly, blushing "there's no need to be shy baby, why are you so quiet?" he chuckles, rubbing his thumb over the curve of your shoulder "well its're so experienced, and you've been with tons of girls...I just feel like last night sucked for you" you mumble, holding your breath and burrowing your face deeper into the crook of Michael's neck "what? Oh baby no, last night was great, I don't care about the other girls I've been with, all I care about is you okay? And you were great last night, like I literally can't believe I'm about to say this to you, and you're gonna go all girly and cringey after; but damn your pussy is nice, and tight, and sweet, and I can't wait to get back in there. I love you baby, and last night was really special, and I know it was hard for you, and I know it was scary, and I know it was painful-and still is, and I'm so proud of you. But honestly (Y/N) it was the best sex of my whole life, because I love you and I cherish the fact that you trust me enough to let me be your first, a girl's virginity is something I've never been trusted with before, and it means a lot to me. I love you okay?" He tilts your chin up and kisses you gently.

Calum: A huge fight

You stand silently in your bedroom, replaying last night's fight in your head, inhaling the heady mix of Calum's cologne and your vanilla lotion that always fills the room. What if he leaves me? You ask yourself, you can't even remember what life was like before Calum, it's like he's been with you forever. But last night you accused him of putting the band before you, which you knew was absurd, but you were angry, and you knew that would hit home with Calum, simply because you knew how hard it was for him to sacrifice his time practicing and songwriting to be with you. You hear the door creak and when you turn around, Calum is standing behind you, his arms crossed over his chest, a small smile flickers over his face, and then he strides over to you, cups your face in his hands, and smashes his lips against yours, kissing you hungrily "I love you baby" he murmurs, his thumbs rubbing your tears away "and I want you to know that you are my top priority, you're my soul mate, my love, my best friend, and I don't know how I would get by each and every day without you, it's hard for me to express just how much I love you (Y/N), because something like that-love like that...just can't be put into words. I've loved you since day one (Y/N) and...I've been waiting for the right moment to do this but..." he gives you a large smile, kissing the tip of your nose before moving down so he is on one knee, your hand in his "well...will you marry me (Y/N)?" He brings a small velvet box out of his pocket, opening it to show off a gorgeous diamond ring "oh m-yes-yes!" You stammer, as Calum slides the ring onto your finger and grabs your waist, kissing you firmly "you're my fiancé now...we should probably celebrate" he smirks, steering you towards the bed "shouldn't we wait till our wedding night?" You tease, he laughs "unless our wedding night is tomorrow morning, I can't wait that long".

Luke: Your wedding

You wake up to Luke peppering soft kisses over your face and neck "good morning Mrs. Hemmings" he hums, as you tilt your head back, allowing him more access to your jaw, he chuckles and presses his lips to yours before rolling out of bed and helping you up, his eyes roaming hungrily over your bare body "mm are you up for maybe one more round before breakfast?" He smirks, his blue eyes glinting hopefully, you laugh and shake your head, throwing on a bra and one of Luke's shirts, he pouts playfully and you lean up to kiss him, his arm slips around your waist and he lifts you so your toes barely touch the ground "just a quickie?" He pleads, you shake your head, giggling "I'm sore Luke, didn't anybody tell you that you're supposed to go slow on your wedding night?" You tease, he chuckles, setting you on the ground and pulling on a pair of sweats "like you didn't enjoy it" he smirks, winking at you, you blush, climbing back into bed, Luke wriggles in next to you, pulling you closer and pressing his lips to your neck "what are you doing Luke?" He raises his head to flash you a smirk "I'm making sure everyone knows you're all mine" he says simply, before returning to his task "well you know I think these do the job quite well" you grin, showing off the rings adorning your hand "shh wifey I'm in the zone" and before you can come back with a witty response, he hits your sweet spot and you melt into his arms, moaning softly.

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