Protective Best Friend

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Ashton: "You don't get it Ash, he loves me, and-and he needs me" you mumble through your swollen lip, wincing as Ashton holds an ice pack over your black eye "(Y/N), please you have to leave the guy." He begs, wiping the blood dripping down your chin "Ashton he doesn't mean to do this! He-he has a screwed up life at home" you say desperately trying to stand up for your abusive boyfriend "do you not see what he does to you?! Can you not see this?!" You can see the anger in Ashton's hazel eyes, he clenches his jaw, his gaze darting over your bruised body "I-I provoked him, he was in a bad mood and I was getting on his nerves, it was my fault" you protest, the hardness in Ashton's eyes is frightening, he looks at you like you are stupid "you say that every time (Y/N). EVERY FUCKING TIME! You need to stop blaming yourself for his actions! Why can't you just realise that what he does to you isn't right! He abuses you (Y/N) okay? You need to get that through your head! What he does to you is physical abuse, verbal abuse, and sexual abuse! You need to understand! What he's doing is wrong! Why...why can't you see that?" Ashton runs his hand through his hair and sighs "he loves me, he only does it because he loves me" you whisper, tears filling your eyes "loves you? Last week he called you a slut and bruised your ribs because some guy looked at you! Then he claimed he was protecting you! (Y/N) you're my best friend, and I want to help you! He's been doing this for two years now and it's just getting worse! (Y/N) he raped you today! Do you not understand that?! He gave you a black eye and a nose bleed, busted your lip and your eyebrow, bruised your chest and stomach, and fucking raped you because he thought your skirt was short, your fucking school uniform is 'too short' for him, so he feels he has the right to beat you up!" Ashton is pacing up and down tugging at his hair angrily, suddenly there is a knock at the door and your boyfriend's voice comes floating through the wall "baby are you in there? Come back to me beautiful, I didn't mean any of it, I promise it'll never happen again, okay? Come on out babe" his voice is sweet like honey, and his pleads slip through the walls you built like smoke, finding the cracks and holes and making them wider till your resolve crumbles, as if in a dream, you get to your feet and drift to the door, ignoring Ashton's warnings, and soon you are in his warm embrace again, feeling his soft lips against your forehead, he touches your bruises gently and kisses each one, promising never to lay a finger on you again, and as always you believe him, you are swallowed up in your fantasy as he apologizes, and cuddles you, and kisses you, and calls you his baby, but you miss the poisonous glares and looks of contempt shared by him and Ashton, and soon you are whisked down the stairs, but with each step his grip on your arm gets tighter, and as you reach the doorway, it's like a switch is flipped, he slaps you so hard, your head reels, and throws you down on the cement pavement, his steel gray eyes burning into yours "you are such a whore and I'm going to kill you" he hisses, you gulp, your fantasy shattering before you, he crouches down beside you and kisses you harshly, before slamming your head down firmly on the pavement, knocking you out cold. When you wake up, you feel the sting of ice against your aching ribs, your right eye is nearly swollen shut and all you can taste is blood, Ashton is dabbing your face and you suddenly break down, reaching your arms out for him like a toddler and blubbering into his shoulder "I was watching you from the window" he says softly, his hand rubbing over your back "and I saw-I saw what he did to you (Y/N)" "wh-what did you d-do to him?" You hiccup, Ashton stiffens and pulls away, stalking over to the window and glaring down into the street "Ash?" You whimper "I knocked him the fuck out, and called the fucking cops" his voice is hard and emotionless, but his eyes search yours desperately "he said he was going to kill me Ash" you whisper as Ashton envelops you in his arms again, carrying you to his bedroom and laying you on the bed, he holds you gently, letting you soak his shirt in tears and mascara, kissing your hair "I'll protect you (Y/N) okay? No one will ever hurt you again baby, I love you" he promises, and as his soft lips brush against your forehead, you feel safe for the first time in a long time.

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