You Are In A Bad Relationship And He's Your Ex

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Ashton: "What are you doing here? Are you stalking me?" You snap, glowering at Ashton "I saw you fighting with your boyfriend, trouble in paradise I'm assuming?" He chuckles smugly, you roll your eyes and turn your gaze out the café window, envisioning your boyfriend in the pub a few blocks down, getting totally wasted with some other girl "what'd he do this time?" Ashton grins, sitting down next to you in the booth, you close your eyes and try to block out the butterflies bubbling in your stomach "come on love bug, you can tell me" he cooes, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you tightly to his side "remember when you used to tell me anything and everything? All your secrets and fantasies? Way back when we were dating?" He murmurs, you purse your lips, doing your best not to bury your face in his neck and inhale his intoxicating scent, his lips twitch into a lopsided grin, his warm hazel eyes crinkling up at the corners "come on...tell me, I'm great with advice and I-" "what are you even doing here Ashton?" You sigh, prying yourself from his grip and sliding away, his smile drops and a hurt expression appears on his face "well I just...I was passing by, I saw you fighting with your boyfriend...I just thought maybe..." he trails off and shrugs, sucking his plump lower lip into his mouth "maybe what?" You breathe, surprised by how vulnerable you sound "you deserve deserve to be treated better y'know? You shouldn't be with a guy like him" Ashton murmurs, pushing his sleeves up to expose his muscled forearms and his small black wrist tattoo "you should be with be with a guy who knows how to treat a woman, and-and who knows how to treat you, and who has a stable future to provide for you, you know someone you could settle down with, who has a proper job-preferably like, I don't know a drummer in a cool band-" "Ash I'm in a relationship" you say weakly, he shakes his head and touches one finger to your lips, sending electricity surging through you "I still love you (Y/N), how am I supposed to stand by and let you go back to that ass so he can walk all over you again? Knowing that I'll never be able to kiss you again? Or hold you? Or make love to you like I used to? I would rather die than lose you again" he runs his thumb over your lower lip as you shake your head feebly "tell me to stop (Y/N). Tell me to stop and I will" he whispers, cupping your face in his hands, you open your mouth, but the words get lost and jumbled on the way out "don't ever stop" you whimper, his lips curl back into a lopsided grin as he leans in, the kiss sending fireworks exploding in your head.

Luke: You push through the crowded club, desperate for a breath of air that doesn't smell like alcohol, sweat, and sex, you left your boyfriend at the bar, tired of his snide comments and whingeing, stumbling a little in your high heels as you struggle to squeeze out of the club entrance, you totter over to the wall, but you are greeted by the scent of mildew and cigarette smoke, the meager amount of alcohol you have consumed making it hard to keep your balance, you bump into someone, your hands pressed against their firm chest, you look down, your face flushing "sorry" you mumble, the person grabs your arms gently, steadying you, a familiar Australian accent meeting your ears "it's no problem doll" he chuckles, you attempt to get away before he catches a glimpse of your face, but you are bumped from behind, sending you crumpling into his hard chest and muscular arms, his familiar cologne hitting your senses like a bus "I'm so sorry Luke I-" you stop yourself but it's too late, by the way he tenses, you know he has recognised your voice, he always used to talk about how he loved the way you said his name "(Y/N)?" He says incredulously, you meet his gaze and his blue eyes light up, scanning your appearance, his tongue darts over his lips, playing with his lip ring, the simple action making your knees weak "wow" he breathes, a crooked smile spreading across his face, one dimple making a fleeting appearance "do you wanna get out of here?" He asks, gesturing to the busy sidewalk, you nod, enthralled by his mere prescence, he runs a hand through his blond hair before lacing his fingers with yours shyly "I'm back in the city for a year...we're doing another writing period here in L.A" he shrugs, you feel your heart swell, but your hope is shattered as he continues "I uh...met someone while we were on tour, she's great, you would love her. She's very smart, and pretty also...she's a uh...a lingerie model...Victoria's Secret and stuff like that" he mumbles, his cheeks tinging red under the light of the streetlamps "are you still with uh...that guy?" He asks gruffly, you nod "oh" Luke sighs sadly "it's not looking good though" you shrug, gently pulling your hand out of Luke's "really?" He seems to perk up "...I feel stupid now...look I was lying, I don't have a girlfriend, I just didn't want to look like a dumbass, which I seem to have achieved anyways" he admits, turning to you, you giggle, smiling warmly "I don't think you're a dumbass Luke" you drape your arms around his neck "I know we broke up because of the long distance, but I'm here now, and for a whole year, and I really really want to get together again" he explains, you nod, grinning as he presses his lips to yours in a breath taking kiss.

Michael: You cower, your arms a flimsy barrier between you and your boyfriend, he knocks your arms away and grabs you by a fistful of your hair, tugging you out into the middle of the room "please stop" you scream, flailing your limbs in a lousy attempt to trip him up, his eyes are cold and he ignores you, resuming what he'd been doing before: battering you. When he is satisfied with your punishment he stalks off, leaving you sobbing on the floor. With trembling limbs you push yourself up and stumble out the door, desperate to get away. But this is not your city. You close your eyes and think,your boyfriend never let you out, so you have no friends here, you search your brain, your frustration building, and just as you're about to give up, you remember something: your ex, he lived here when he wasn't touring. There was tension between you but you knew you could trust him. "Michael? Hi...yeah it's me...could I please come over?" You kept his number in your phone even though it had been a year. He soon pulled up in his car, a worried look on his face "what are you doing out here, you're gonna catch a cold (Y/N), you haven't even-" he stops in his tracks when he gets close enough for the moon's soft silver glow to illuminate your face "...what happened to you?" He gasps, scanning your bruised body "nothing...can we please go?" You say quietly, ducking your head, you follow him to his car and sit in silence as you drive back to his luxurious apartment. He unlocks the front door and lets you in, going into the kitchen, you sit on the couch and Michael fetches an ice pack, sitting next to you and angling your face gingerly, laying the ice against your bruised cheek "keep that there, I'll be back" he murmurs, he dissappears for a minute and comes back with a wet rag, dabbing at your busted lip tenderly, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration "gonna tell me who knocked you around like this?" He asks softly, you lower your gaze, blinking away tears, you feel Michael's arms wrap around you and you bury your face in his neck, his familiar scent giving you a sense of safety, and before you know it you are blubbering like a baby, the whole story of your abusive relationship spilling out "he'll kill me if he finds me here" you sob, an uncontrollable trembling setting in on your body "that bastard is never going to set a finger on you again" Michael says firmly, pressing a kiss to your forehead "I never should have let you go, you're so fragile, you don't stand up for yourself (Y/N)" he murmurs, nuzzling the top of your head, you close your eyes, comforted by Michael's presence, inhaling his cologne till you drift to sleep, hardly awake enough to feel him kiss your sore lips gently.

Calum: You groan and rub your forehead, blinking as the sunlight sends pain ricocheting through your skull "ah you're finally up" a familiar chuckle causes your blood to run cold "dear god please no" you whisper, your heart plummeting into your stomach as Calum comes padding into the room, his hair wet and dishevelled, and a towel wrapped loosely around his waist, you can't resist checking him out, especially since he's become even more muscular since your breakup, he strolls over to the wardrobe and drops his towel to the ground, searching for a pair of boxers, you gulp, taking in the veiw of his bare ass before he tugs on a pair of black briefs, a smirk on his face as he turns, you flush and look away, but not before taking one more lingering glance at his perfectly sculpted arms and chiselled abs, his briefs hanging low enough to expose a hint of his happytrail, water droplets gleaming on his tan skin-"I can see that you've missed me" his cocky remark snaps you out of your trance and you glare at him "why am I here?" You snap, casting your eyes around his gorgeous loft apartment "I found you at a bar last night completely wasted and crying into a tequila bottle, figured I couldn't just leave you there" he shrugs, you feel your heart warm a little bit and bite back a smile "we didn't...? You know-" "did we fuck? No of course not (Y/N), you know I'd never disrespect you like that...although you begged for my cock so much, one might have thought it was your damn relegion" he chuckles, you scowl and punch him hard in the stomach, hurting only yourself on his rock hard abs "you kept begging me to fuck you, or at least let you suck me off, you kept saying how much better I am at getting you off than your boyfriend and that you always fake it with him...and that I'm the best you've ever had" he smirks, winking at you, you gasp, knowing all of it is true "so you wanna tell me why you were absolutely wasted at a cheap bar at three in the afternoon?" He asks, his expression turning serious, you bite your lip and shrug "I just wanted to have some fun" you lie, he quirks an eyebrow and runs a hand through his damp hair, sighing softly "not because your boyfriend cheated on you?" He says quietly, you grit your teeth and turn away from him, tears pooling in your eyes "look I know I can be kind of an ass sometimes (Y/N) but you'll never find someone who can cherish you and love you like I can, I know that dick was just a rebound from me okay? Please come back to me, I need you, he doesn't deserve you" you are shocked, but you find yourself nodding slowly as Calum pulls you in for a deep kiss.

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