"Are You On Your Period?"

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Michael: "Babe? Babe? Babe? You awake babe?" Michael asks poking your cheek "fuck off Michael" you snarl "babe I'm hungry" he states "so what should I do? Would you like an award?" You reply sarcastically, not even bothered to open your eyes "jeez what's with you? Are you on your period?" He grumbles, your eyes fly open and you sit up "what was that?" You spit, glowering at Michael "I said, jeez isn't (Y/N) just marvellous and generally lovely to be around?" He mumbles, sliding under the covers "that's what I thought you said" you mutter.

Ashton: "I don't have the energy to deal with you lot right now so could you please go away?" You snap, glaring at your boyfriend and his bandmates "but all our equipment is in here" Luke whines, gesturing to the amplifiers, microphones, guitars and drum kit "I don't care" you growl "you okay babe? Are you on your period or something?" Ashton asks, out of the corner of your eye you see Calum facepalm but you ignore it "what was that?" You hiss "uh oh" Luke breathes, you stand up, your hands on your hips, glaring at Ashton, he opens his mouth and starts repeating himself "um I asked if you were on your-" but Calum interjects "he said how lovely you look today" Michael and Luke snigger and you give all of them one last glare before leaving the room.

Luke: "I know they're your friends Luke, and I'm not saying that they can't come over here, all I'm saying is that when they do come over, you lot need to clean up after yourselves!" You exclaim, dumping another beer can into the bin "we do clean, look how nice the place looks" Luke states "yeah that's because I cleaned it!" You yell "all right all right, chillax, honestly woman,  are you on your period?" He scoffs "excuse me?" You growl, your eyes wide "I said all right all right, relax my darling while I go fetch you a sandwich" he laughs nervously, hopping up a scurrying to the kitchen.

Calum: "Stop touching me! Seriously get off Calum! Calum!" You snarl, shoving Calum's hands away from your body, he looks taken aback, he's not used to being rejected by you, and doesn't quite know how to react "you don't have to be mean, honestly are you on your period?" He mumbles "excuse me?! Just because I don't throw myself at you like some groupie you think I'm on my period?" You demand "I-I didn't-I said you don't have to be so amazing and perfect, honestly would you like to have a nice warm bath to relax?" He stammers "can't" you mumble, looking down "why not?' He asks, looking concerned "I have my period" you whisper, hiding your face.

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