He Finds Out You're An Orphan/Foster Kid

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Ashton: "(Y/N)? What are these files?" Ashton yells from upstairs, picking one up and flicking through it, they are documents upon documents, all with your name written on them, but with a different last name every time, each one has a picture attached of you with a different family, looking completely different in each photo

"what was that Ash?" you ask, coming up behind him, he doesn't respond and you spot the heavy file in his hands "oh...I meant to send that back" you say, your voice trembling

"why do you look so sad in these pictures?" Ashton murmurs "I suffered from depression, anorexia, addiction...the norms" you mutter, your hands shaking "and who are all these people?" he asks, his eyebrows furrowed "foster families" you choke, gasping for air, tears streaming down your face

he turns to you and holds the file out, you recoil, afraid to even touch it, incase all your fears and disorders seep back into you "do you want or need this?" Ashton asks

you shake your head, backing away from it like it's a venomous snake, he nods, turns around and tosses it into the fire place

you watch as the flames lick at the pages hungrily, turning them into nothing more than wispy ashes, which float up the chimney, taking your past with them.

Luke: "Hey babe, so I was wondering, how come you've never introduced me to your parents? I mean it's kinda strange dontcha think?" Luke asks, rolling over in bed to face you

you shrug "do you not want them to meet me?" he mumbles, looking hurt "no Luke! I love you, and I would take you to see my parents, except I-I have no idea who or where they are, they could be dead, they could be our neighbours...I have no clue" you stammer

"I was abandoned at an orphanage when I was a baby" you say quietly, Luke stares at you and then pulls you into his arms "shit I'm so sorry" he murmurs, kissing your forehead repeatedly.

Michael: "Are you sure you want to meet them?" you ask Michael one more time "yes, now stop worrying" he laughs, you smile and drag him down the street, you turn a corner and approach the town cemetry, you go past the gates and make your way down the winding paths until you reach your parents

their headstones are old and weathered, but you can still make out their names, you sit down on the grass and Michael sits next to you

"good morning Mr. and Mrs. (Y/L/N), I'm Michael,  Michael Clifford, and well your daughter (Y/N) is the most kind, gentle, beautiful young woman I've ever met, and I'm so lucky she chose me, I love her with all my heart and I intend on marrying her in the near future, she is the most amazing, most unique person, I have ever met and I wouldn't change her for the world, I'll take care of her, and soon enough, when we have kids, I'll protect your grandchildren with my life, and I just want to thank you for bringing (Y/N) into the world, because she's my whole world, my number one priority and my soulmate." he says, one hundred percent genuine

"I love you Michael" you say, your eyes filled with tears.

Calum: You stroll along the beach, hand in hand with Calum, when suddenly you spot an ex "shit" you mumble, dashing up the beach and dragging Calum with you "who are you running from jeez?" Calum pants

"an ex" you squeak, he raises an eyebrow "I can't see him again, I just can't! He was so cruel" you gasp "what did he do?" Calum asks "well you know when people see something traumatising and go mute?" you say quietly, he nods

"that happened to me" you mumble "what?!" Calum cries, you nod "it was when my parents died" you whisper "I-I-you said your parents were in Vietnam!" he splutters, you shake your head slowly

"my dad was into gambling, he was in some serious debt to some shady people, and when he couldn't pay it back those people came for him" you breath, Calum's eyes go wide "my mother hid me in the closet, but I saw everything, they shot my dad and beat my mother to death, and then when she was dead, they raped her" you choke, Calum's jaw drops

"I was only fifteen, and I'd been dating that guy at the time, but after that, I went mute, and he said I was being an idiot and broke up with me, it was just his excuse because I wouldn't sleep with him, but it hurt, it took me a year to start talking again" you explain

he gulps and pulls you into his arms, stroking your hair as you cry.

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