"Do You Want A Baby?"

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Michael: You sigh and peer out the window of the car, watching the other cars cruise by "you okay baby?" You feel Michael's hand on your knee and you jump back to reality "yeah m'fine" you mumble, shifting your gaze to your lap "hey, look at me" he whispers, sighing you lift your eyes to his and smile for his benefit "what's wrong?" You shake your head and turn back to the window. There is silence as Micheal pulls into your driveway on the outskirts of the city, you grab your bag, hurrying inside and up to your room. Seconds later you hear Michael come in and take off his boots, padding up the stairs, you hold your breath as he enters the bedroom, he sits next to you on the bed and presses a kiss to the side of your head, pulling you into his arms and laying down "penny for your thoughts" he whispers, nuzzling his face into your neck, you take a deep breath and decide to simply blurt it out "do you want a baby?" He is quiet "uhh...sure" but he doesn't sound sure "you paused" you bite your lip and wriggle away from him, hiding your face "no look! Come on ask me again!" He insists, pulling you back into his arms, you sigh and look up "do you w-" "yes!" You burst out laughing and shake your head "how was that?" He grins, you giggle and peer up at him "do you really?" You breathe, he nods, smiling widely "I really do, seriously babe. Imagine little me and yous running around, I can't wait!" He laughs, pulling you on top of him so you are straddling him "and what better time to start than now?" His green eyes twinkle and his lips curl into a smirk.

Calum: You sit cross legged in the middle of the spare room, staring around at the plain walls, you hear Calum pass by, back up, and enter behind you "hey my girl, what you doing here all alone?" He chuckles, sitting next to you and wrapping his arm around your shoulder "just lookin'" "what's there to look at?" He laughs, gesturing to the empty room, you shrug "I think we should get it painted though, it's kinda depressing all gray like this" he suggests, kissing the side of your neck softly, you nod "we could do yellow" you say softly "yellow?" "Mmhmm, it's neutral...that way, we could make it into...an office, or-a gym, or...a nursery" Calum freezes, slowly pulling away from you "a nursery?" He repeats, his eyebrows drawn down in confusion, you nod "what...like for a baby?" He asks, biting his lip "no Calum, obviously not, for a vacuum cleaner" you say sarcastically, he rolls his eyes and turns to face you "do you want a baby?" His voice is tense, his eyes nervous, you nod "you-you want-my baby?" He stutters, you nod "wow...well-wow I don't know what to say-this is uh-um a bit overwhelming. A baby is big, its huge-that's-are we ready for a baby?" "Calum it's not like I'm going to be pregnant for one day before the baby's born, it'll be nine months, and I'm not even pregnant yet, we have time" you giggle, wriggling into his lap and kissing the tip of his nose, your arms wrapped around his neck "yeah...yeah alright...wow, we're gonna have a baby!" He laughs, kissing you firmly.

Luke: You sigh as your eyes scan over the four positive pregnancy tests in the sink. Angrily, you toss them in the bin, your eyes filling with tears, you blink them away and slip out of the bathroom, sitting down heavily on your bed. Soon you hear the front door open and Luke come in, he trudges up the stairs and kicks his shoes off, stripping off his shirt "hey baby" he mumbles, kissing the top of your head before trailing into the bathroom, a second later he comes out, all four positive tests clutched in his hand "wh-what are these?" He stammers, his blue eyes wide and confused "Luke...I'm sorry, I really am-I forgot to take the pill once and it just...I'm sorry" you look down, tears filling your eyes again "are we ready for this?" He murmurs, sitting by you and spreading the tests out on the bed "not at all" you whimper, he shakes his head and tilts your chin up so your eyes are on his "I want you tell me the honest truth on this okay? Because the question I'm about to ask you will determine whether or not we...we keep it...do you want a baby?" His voice is low, his eyes searching yours for a flicker of doubt "yes, but Luke we aren't r-" "shh, that's all kitten, we're keeping it. We're going to be parents" a huge smile spreads over his face as he kisses you "we'll turn the study into a nursery and go shopping tomorrow" he says softly, wiping away your tears and kissing you again.

Ashton: You glance back at your three year old son, sleeping soundly in the backseat and smile "Harry and Lauren are so good at tiring Jasper out" you giggle, turning back to Ashton and grinning, he chuckles "yeah, they love seeing their little nephew, and today...Harry asked if we were planning on having another any time soon" he says softly, raising his eyebrows at you "another? Another kid?" You've never thought about having another, it's been just Jasper, and that's how it's been for three years, Ashton nods "do you want one? Do you want a baby?" He nods again and you bite your lip "I know Jasper would love having a sibling and I know I want another kid...I think we should send Jasper to my mother's place for a bit, he'd love that, and we could maybe go away for a while, y'know, like...like a second honeymoon, we'll relax, we'll have fun, and we'll see what happens" he winks coyly and you giggle "alright...we'll see what happens" you repeat.

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