You're Super Close And He Realizes He Has Feelings For You (His P.O.V)

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Ashton: I burst out laughing as (Y/N) brings out another of her baby pictures, she's wearing an oversized t-shirt, her mother's high heels and big pink glasses and she has lipstick smeared all over her mouth "Aww! Look at you trying to be a big girl" I coo "I think I looked great" she giggles, trying to sound haughty

"Of course, you looked super sexy" I tease "eww Ash I was five stop perving" she squeals, smacking my arm "I'm surprised all the neighborhood boys weren't on you already" I mock, nudging her with my shoulder "you are such a pedophile Ash!" She mutters, resting her head against me

I look down at her, the way her hair falls across her face and her small smile, and suddenly I feel my stomach flip and my heart beat picks up 'Ashton what the fuck are you doing? Stop it, it's (Y/N), you guys are best friends you don't like her like that' my mind tells me

'Yeah but, she looks so pretty, and she's so nice and funny and great' I think, I swallow, my palms getting sweaty "(Y/N), if a guy you just as a general example like uh...Michael...asked you out, what would you do?" I ask nervously

"What would I do if Michael asked me out?" She repeats, I nod, biting my lip "well I don't know, I think I might say no I mean I wouldn't want to risk a friendship like that" she muses "oh..." I murmur, disappointed "also, I'm kinda into someone else" she mumbles

"Who?" I ask, my eyes meeting hers "oh a certain pedophile I know" she says softly, a smirk spreading over her face, I burst out laughing again and she grabs my face, kissing me passionately.

Luke: "Dude can you just shut up?" I snap, glaring at Calum "look I'm just telling you this is a bad idea, you're acting like you own (Y/N) and you know how much she hates that" he mutters, shrugging "I just want to protect her, I know how this guy is, he's got a reputation" I growl, peeking through the bushes at (Y/N) and her date

"Look-look at that! That's exactly what I'm talking about!" I exclaim, gesturing at the couple "what?" Calum asks "are you blind? He's touching her ass!" I snarl, pointing "oh come on Luke, that's not a big deal, anyway they've been out on a few dates and (Y/N) told me they've already reached third base, so it's not like it's anything new" Calum chuckles

"Oh my god! And you're telling me about this now?!?!' I shout, I jump up and storm through the park towards (Y/N) and her date "get your hands off her prick" I snap, pulling (Y/N) away from him "Luke what the hell?!" She exclaims, yanking her arm out of my grip

"What's your problem mate?!" Calum shouts, coming up behind me and grabbing my shoulder, I glare at (Y/N)'s date "he's just using you (Y/N), you're just to naive to see it!" I mutter "are you calling me stupid?!" She cries, crossing her arms over her chest defensively

"No, just inexperienced" I growl "you never approve of any one I date Luke! If I can't date him then who should I date huh?! What do you want Luke?!" She yells, and suddenly it hits me like a ton of bricks "date me" I say softly "oh jesus" I hear Calum mutter

"What?" (Y/N) breathes, her eyes wide "date me (Y/N)!" I exclaim "okay you lot are clearly messed up so I'm gonna go" (Y/N)'s date mumbles, walking off, but I don't even pay attention to him "(Y/N)...will you go out with me?" I ask "will you stop stalking me?" She giggles, I nod "okay then, but you owe me big time" she grins.

Michael: I watch (Y/N) as she pushes the swing harder, sending her little brother higher up, he shrieks, kicking his feet wildly "Michael" she calls, waving me over, I grin and jog up to her "hey" I chuckle, hugging her and giving her a quick kiss on the cheek "hey" she smiles

Her brother hops of the swing and runs up to me, hugging my legs "Mikey!" He squeals, I laugh and lift him up "hey there buddy" I chuckle, ruffling the six year old's hair "look look Mikey! My toof fell out!" He cries, pointing to the spot where his front tooth used to be "wow! You're growing up real fast, next thing you know you'll be taller than me!" I smile, he nods proudly

I glance at (Y/N) and my heart suddenly skips a beat, she's watching her brother, smiling like a goon and she looks amazing "(Y/N), are you free tonight?" I blurt "not really, I have to babysit that little monster" she says with a shrug "could I help out?" I ask, she nods, smiling widely

"Are you going to become boyfwend and girlfwend?" Her brother asks, wrinkling his nose up "maybe" I chuckle, (Y/N)'s eyes go wide and her brother gags "Michael" she mumbles "well only if you want to" I stammer "of course I do, but I never knew you liked me like that" she whispers "well now you know" I smirk and press my lips to hers, much to the disgust of her brother.

Calum: "Do you like her or not mate?" Ashton asks, his eyebrows raised "yes, I mean were best friends, no...I-I yea maybe like...yes-yes I like her" I stammer, running my hands over my face "god Ash, I can't like her, we're just friends" I groan

"Is it just a little crush or do you really have feelings for her?" He asks "I really have feelings for her, and when I'm with her...I can't even think straight, my heart starts racing and my stomach feels all weird and my palms's bad Ash" I mutter, my eyes meeting his "well if you like her so much you have to say something or else you'll miss your chance" Ashton says earnestly

"How do I tell her though, I can't just go up to her and say: (Y/N) I like you will you go out with me?" I sigh "yes you can! Maybe a little bit more romantically, but I mean girls love that" he exclaims "and if she breaks your heart, I've got the cookie dough and Titanic" he grins, I chuckle, and stand up "go get em' tiger, but don't forget to wrap it up, wouldn't want any babies running around" he teases "shut up Ash" I laugh, going to find (Y/N).

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