He Talks To The Other Boys About Missing You (His P.O.V)

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Calum: "What's with you dude? You're so quiet today" Michael asks, as he Ashton and Luke troop back onto the bus, I shrug and sigh, staring at my shoes "just thinking" I mumble

"About...?" Luke asks, sitting on his bunk and tugging his shoes off "(Y/N)" I say softly "oh not again" Ashton groans, flopping face-down on the couch "I miss her" I shrug, twisting my fingers together

"You'll see her again soon mate, she's coming to visit for your birthday remember" Luke chuckles, starting to scroll through his phone "that's not for another two months...and I need her" I whimper, swallowing the lump in my throat

Michael sighs and sits next to me, patting my back "I have your answer buddy" he grins, I raise my eyebrows at him and Ashton snorts "what?" I ask "porn!" He cries, Luke and Ashton laugh and I roll my eyes

"It's not just a sexual thing Michael" I mutter, running a hand through my hair "well then call her or something" he suggests

"Yeah mate, just call her up and I don't know, talk about coupley things" Ashton shrugs "I would, but it's five am in New York, she'll be fast asleep" I say bitterly

"Aw Cal, you really miss her huh?" Luke asks, looking up at me, I nod, biting my lip "well...we have two days off next week, we could fly out to see her" he grins

"We?" I snort "yeah! We miss her too! She makes really good apple pie!" He protests "oh please, even if you guys did come along, she wouldn't waste her time making you a pie" I chuckle "yeah she would!" He retorts

"no Lukey, you see, me being on this bus with you three for four months means I have no sexual outlet...when I get back, (Y/N)'s not going to be leaving our bedroom for many hours I can assure you" I smirk, they all laugh and Ashton high-fives me.

Michael: I hear a knock on my front door and groan "please don't answer it" I whisper to myself, but soon I hear my mother open the front door and three pairs of feet come trooping up the stairs "you can try anything, I haven't been able to get him to open that door" she yells up the stairs

"Mikey open up" Luke orders, I ignore him and burrow my head deeper into my pillows "come on Mikey, it's us" Calum pleads "yeah and we brought you pizza, and it's all for you" Ashton adds, my ears perk up at the mention of pizza and I suddenly realise how hungry I am

I wipe my eyes hastily and open the door, they all walk in and I lock the door behind them, flopping back down on my bed, I open the pizza box and immediately start devouring it, they watch in silence as I clear out the whole box and then lie back on my pillows

"So Michael...how you doing?" Calum asks cautiously, his dark eyes flicking around my room, taking in the dirty clothes and empty beer bottles littering the floor "oh I'm just peachy Calum" I say sarcastically

"We couldn't contact you mate, why won't you answer your phone?" Luke asks "because I fucking hate the world" I mutter, huddling under my covers "Michael, it's been a month since you and (Y/N) broke up, you can't just hide away and pretend that the world doesn't exist...you've got to get over her mate" Luke says gently

The mention of her name causes my breath to catch in my throat and my eyes to fill with tears again "you don't understand, none of you understand! I still love her and I miss her so much" I choke, staring over their heads at the wall, not wanting to see their pity filled faces

They glance around at each other and sigh "Michael, we're your best friends and we care about you, and the fact is that the only way to stop the hurt is to get over her" Ashton states "I-I can't" I stammer, I pick up a beer can on my nightstand and raise it to my lips, but before I can get a drop, Calum grabs it "you've had enough alcohol this past week to last you a lifetime, you'll be lucky if you don't get liver failure" he snaps

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