He's Your Brother He Takes You On Tour And You're Caught With A BandMember (P2)

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Luke: "Can you guys excuse us for a minute" Luke says through gritted teeth, Michael and Ashton disappear and you and Calum are left to face Luke

"how long has this been going on?" he snarls, glaring at the two of you "a month...or three" you mumble, chewing on your lip "and why didn't you tell me?" he asks "w-we knew-" he holds his hand up "I want to hear it from Calum" Luke mutters, focusing his fiery gaze on Calum

"we're best friends...why didn't you tell me...why didn't you ask me?!" he cries "I-I didn't think you'd approve" Calum mumbles "well of course not! Calum, she's sixteen! What could you possibly be thinking?!" Luke exclaims

"Luke! What I do with my life is none of your business!" you snap "yes it goddamn is because I'm your brother and I'm supposed to take care of you! What do you think mom would say if she saw you?! I mean for godsake (Y/N)! I thought I could trust you" he shouts "you are going back home, I'll book your flight tonight, and as for you Calum, just don't talk to me" he adds quietly, shaking his head.

Ashton: "Are you really trying to be funny now?" Ashton growls "I-I learnt from the best" you say hopefully "flattery won't do anything for you" he snaps, you sigh and lay your hands in your lap "I really like him Ash, like I really do" you mumble

"well how come you never told me hmm?" he asks gently, you shrug "you're always so protective and I thought that maybe you'd yell at me or something" you admit "yell at you? For crushing on Michael?" he chuckles, you giggle "he's a softie, I'd have helped you out if you'd just asked" he smirks

"well if you don't have a problem with it then why did you just grab me?" you ask "well...y'know...I thought he was...y'know... jumping your bones" he mumbles, scratching the back of his neck

"oh jeez Ash, we wouldn't do that with you right there......not that we do it at all" you stammer "I know you're not a virgin I'm not stupid" he chuckles "oh so you don't mind if I move into Michael's bunk?" you grin "me saying I know you've had sex is very different from me saying you can sleep in your boyfriend's bed every night" he warns, you giggle and he pulls you into a hug, kissing your forehead.

Calum: You sit on Calum's bunk, biting your lip, and he sits across from you on Michael's bunk "w-were you two about to...have sex?" he mutters, his eyebrows drawn down, you nod slowly

"but-but aren't you a virgin?" he asks, you nod again "does Luke know that you're a virgin?" he mumbles, you shake your head and look down "you can't sleep with a guy who doesn't know you're a virgin, thats like asking someone to rape you, you're lucky I stopped you or else you'd probably be pouring blood by now" he says quietly

your eyes go wide and he nods "so let me get this straight, you were about to lose your virginity to my best friend, whom you barely know and who clearly knows nothing about you, behind my back, and expect everything to be fine? Despite the fact that you promised me that you wouldn't do it with a guy unless you truly loved him? And the glaringly obvious fact that you are fifteen and you met Luke yesterday?" he asks solemnly

you nod, biting on your thumbnail "okay, well, I'll take you back home tomorrow, oh and don't bite your nails" he says calmly "why aren't you yelling? Aren't you mad?" you mumble "just disappointed, I'm saving the yelling for Luke" he murmurs

Michael: "Michael let go!" you yell, trying to wrench your arm from his grip "no (Y/N)! I can't believe you're fucking Ashton behind my back!" he shouts "well I can't believe you just ruined the best moment of my entire life! God I hate you Michael! I wish you weren't my brother!" you sob, as soon as the words are out you want to take them back but it's too late

"I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean that!" you gasp, Michael shrugs, but you can see from his face that he's hurt, a lot, he let's go of you and disappears into his bunk, pulling the curtain shut tightly

"Michael" you call "go away, I'm sure Ashton is waiting for you" he snaps, you pull the curtain away slowly and sit on his bunk, you lay your hand on his "Michael you know I love you" you say softly

"didn't sound like it" he mutters, picking at a loose thread on his shirt, you sigh and lie next to him, tucking yourself against his side " Michael you know I love you" you repeat, wrapping your arms around him "yeah yeah okay" he grumbles, but he pulls you closer, nestling his head against your neck

"but about Ashton...what were you two doing in the bathroom?" he asks "talking" you murmur "talking? Just talking?!" he exclaims, you nod "wow, I didn't have Ashton pinned as a just talking kinda guy, that's more Cal's thing, you know, like actually getting to know a girl before he screws her, usually Ash just gets what he wants and then he's outta there" he says thoughtfully

"yeah, but we're dating Michael, we haven't actually 'done it' yet, he's sweet" you explain, Michael's eyebrows shoot up "he told me he loved me today" you whisper, his jaw drops "what did you say?" he asks eagerly "well, that's where you come in" you mumble

"oh?...oh! I'm a shit, I shouldn't have done that, that sucks!" he exclaims, making you laugh "but right now you have a boy to confess your love to so get your ass in gear!" he cries, pushing you out of the bunk.

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