The One Of Other Boys Finds Out You Hooked Up After You Break Up

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Ashton: You are woken by Ashton shifting in his sleep, his gentle snuffling and quiet mumblings are the only noises in the hotel room, you inch out of bed and pull on your clothes from the previous night, before sneaking out of his room

you close the door softly behind you just as the door across the hall opens, Calum stands in front of you, frozen, a beer bottle half raised to his mouth "Uh Calum" you squeak, your face flushing

He stares at you for a few more seconds and then a smirk spreads over his face "well looky who we have here, (Y/N), shamefully walking the walk of shame" he taunts, you don't even bother denying it, it's too obvious, your sex hair is undeniable, your lips are swollen and bruised, your neck covered with many dark lovebites and your rumpled shirt is obviously misbuttoned

"Cal..." you say quietly "oh this is rich, the one and only (Y/N), who swore on her life, to never ever speak to Ashton Irwin again...ooh this is simply too rich, you and Ash broke up on possibly the worst terms ever! And now here you are, body and soul, flesh and blood, banging him as if nothing ever happened! And right beneath our noses too!" He cackles, shaking his head fondly

"Calum" you warn "oh don't you worry (Y/N), I won't tell a single soul" he grins, you narrow your eyes at him and he shrugs "the paps'll get you anyways, you'll be all over the place by tonight" he chuckles, turning around and heading back into his room, a devious smirk on his lips as he takes a swig of his beer.

Calum: When you wake up, your head is pounding and you are pressed against Calum's bare chest, you climb out of the cramped bunk and wrap yourself in a blanket, stumbling towards the bathroom

You stagger in and kneel down, all the alcohol you had consumed the night before comes hurtling up your throat, splattering onto the floor, you groan and rest your boiling forehead against the cool toilet rim, your mouth and throat burning

"(Y/N)? What're you doing here?" Michael mutters groggily, standing at the doorway, rubbing his eyes, in response you groan louder and retch another time "you kind of missed the toilet...again" he grumbles

You stand and lurch forwards, nearly toppling over, Michael grabs your arm to steady you, fully awake now, he propels you out of the bathroom and sits you down on the couch "what are you doing here (Y/N)?" He asks, his eyebrows furrowed

"Came-came back with-with Calum last drunk...don't think he used a-a condom" you mumble, pressing your head to the cold glass of the tourbus "oh for godsake" Michael mutters, rolling his eyes "you guys broke up, what are you doing hooking up with him?" He snaps

You shrug and close your eyes "when he wakes up I don't think he's going to be very happy to find you here" he sighs, pulling the blanket higher up your shoulder when it slips "he-he brought me here...don't-don't know my way back" you mutter, screwing your eyes up tightly to shut out all the light.

Michael: "(Y/N) I've been thinking...and well...I kinda of want to get back together, I mean we've just been hooking up for months now, and of course it's been great...but I-I don't want our relationship to just be a physical thing, I miss you" Michael says softly, drawing small paterns on your shoulders with his fingertips "I don't know Michael...this is so much easier y'know? Just sex, just physical" you mumble, nuzzling your head against his neck

"But don't you miss what we used to have?" He asks softly, you sigh and nod "yeah...yeah I do, but I just don't want to get hurt again" you whisper, he kisses the curve of your shoulder and runs his thumb over the purple lovebites, nodding "I understand" he murmurs "I'll-I'll think about it okay?" you offer, climbing out of his bed and pulling his t-shirt over your head "do you have to go now babe?" He whines "kinda, but I'll see you tomorrow yeah?" You chuckle, tugging on your jeans.

You leave him in his room and open the front door, only to reveal a shocked looking Luke, his hand raised to knock "(Y/N)?" He says, confused "um hi Luke" you mumble "what are-were you just..." he clears his throat and averts his eyes "were you and Michael just...I-I thought you guys broke up-wha-why? I uh-were you just doing it...with Michael?" He stammers, you are silent and he nods, his cheeks tinged pink "okay I'm just gonna-I'm gonna go-go somewhere that's not here" he mutters, rushing off.

Luke: You squirm out from beneath Luke's sleeping body and tug your clothes on, darting nervous looks at him to make sure he doesn't wake up, his bare back rises and falls, soft snores slipping past his lips, you quietly open his bedroom door, closing it gingerly behind you, only to freeze at the sight of Ashton, sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone

"I knew it was you" he says quietly, not looking up, you gulp and lean against the door, your heart racing "he's worked so hard to try and get over you (Y/N), now he's gone and thrown it all away, and for what? Some meaningless sex?" he mutters, lifting his eyes to yours, feeling guilty, you bow your head "Ashton" you whimper

"He's my best friend (Y/N), and these past few months have been hell for him, all he ever did was drink, drink and cry and fuck around, all to try and get over you...he was finally making some progress too" he says, his voice is calm, but there is anger lurking beneath the surface "Ashton I couldn't help it" you choke "I think you should go" he mutters, without waiting for another word, you dart out the door.

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