Breastfeeding (His P.O.V)

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Ashton: "Here we go" I murmur, slowly helping (Y/N) to sit up in the hospital bed, a stack of pillows supporting her back "are you comy darling?" I ask, helping her loosen the ties of her hospital gown "yeah I'm good, thanks" she smiles up at me tiredly "are you sure you want to do this now? Do you want to rest a little longer first?" I fret, knowing she must be exhausted just two days after having our son "I'm sure Ash, and I need to get used to it anyway" she chuckles. Slowly I lift Felix out of his bassinet and lay him in (Y/N)'s arms, marvelling at his tiny features, she shrugs her gown off her shoulder and all of a sudden it's all on display, and I feel my face grow hot, she holds Felix to her chest and he immediately latches on "ow, jeez Felix go easy" she whines, cringing slightly,she whimpers and pulls him off "I can't, it's so painf-" Felix immediately starts bawling, his little pink mouth wide open "let's try again hmm? The nurse said it might hurt a bit at first but remember she said that the more milk you get out the less it'll hurt?" I say gently. I sit next to her and let her lean against me, my arm draped over her shoulder. She brings Felix back to her chest, wincing as he latches on, I kiss her temple and rub her arm "breathe through it babe" I run my finger over my son's clenched fist and he grabs onto it, gripping tightly "you've got a big appetite buddy" I chuckle, running my thumb over his tiny fingers, he looks at me with his big eyes-hazel like mine-gurgling happily.

Calum: "You know I think I should start trying to wean her" (Y/N) murmurs, running her finger gently over Ariel's hair as she eats "really? Already?" I ask, watching our nine month old daughter, she grips (Y/N)'s shirt, suckling noisily "yeah she's old enough, and she's got teeth now and she bites Cal, and it hurts" I wince, even imagining it is painful "I guess we could start giving her a bottle instead, and she's liking solid food quite a bit now" I muse, (Y/N) nods, she gently pulls Ariel away from her chest and slips her bra back up her shoulder before handing her to me "could you please burp her? I'm exhausted" she mumbles, I nod and hold Ariel against my shoulder, patting her back "I'm just worried she'll get fussy about having to have formula instead, and you're going to have to start doing some feeds as well, especially in the night" I gulp. Night feeds? Crap.

Luke: I'm woken up by the sound of one of the twins crying, and (Y/N) desperately trying to soothe her "shh it's okay Diane, please just gimme a minute to finish with Dory and I'll feed you too" ah, night feeds with the twins were always tricky. I climb out of bed and amble into the twin's powder pink nursery, gently scooping Diane out of her crib, she instantly quiets down, snuggling against my chest "I didn't want them to wake you, but Dory woke Diane, and then Diane was hungry too, and Dory is just taking ages-" (Y/N) was nearly hysterical "hey, hey relax my girl, it's fine" I whisper, I sit beside her on the couch and press a kiss to her forehead "I told you to wake me when they get up anyway. And you should be in bed, the doctor said you've been putting too much stress on your back, and you had the twins just two weeks ago. I can start doing the night feeds for a bit, I know how to make up a bottle-" "yeah but you know they don't like formula as much, they'll just get fussy" she sighs, watching Dory as she continues to suckle relentlessly, Diane whimpers, her teeny pink mouth opening and closing, I offer her my finger and she sucks it for a few seconds before realising it doesn't produce milk "Diane is starving" I mumble, rocking her as she whines "Dory is taking ages, I don't know why she's so hungry". Soon enough Dory finishes, and (Y/N) hands her to me, I pass her Diane and set Dory against my shoulder, patting her back lightly "she needs a change as well" (Y/N) yawns, I nod, my eyes focused on (Y/N), her eyes are drooping and she has dark circles beneath her eyes "I'm going to take the night feeds for a while darling, you just had two babies and you need to rest your body. The twins will simply have to tolerate formula for two or three weeks, so that their beautiful mommy can sleep" I say firmly, laying a fed, burped, changed, and fast asleep Dory in her crib, just as Diane finishes eating "give her here, you go back to bed. I mean it babe" I order, (Y/N) gives me a tired smile and pads back to our bedroom. "Hey sweetpea, how are you? I'm going to start feeding you at night, yeah so you're going to get formula for a while-" I'm cut off by Diane vomiting over my shoulder "you good now? Wanna sleep? Mummy needs her sleep so don't wake up again okay? Okay goodnight sweetpea, goodnight my little angel" I press a soft kiss to each of the twins fluffy heads, stripping my shirt off as I make my way back to the bedroom.

Michael: (Y/N) peeks over her seat at Colton, biting her lip "I'm surprised he's not up yet" she mumbles "don't jinx it ba-" and immediately Colton's cries fill the car, I sigh and pull over, allowing (Y/N) to reach into the back for our two month old. She holds him and gives me a pleading look "help me out please" quickly I help her lower her bra strap and her shirt and she allows Colton to latch on, wriggling in her seat at the initial feeling "still not used to it huh?" I chuckle, she shakes her head, laughing "it's such a strange feeling, but it doesn't hurt anymore, as long as I feed him regularly it's not too painful" I lean over and press a kiss to her temple "I hate when you're in pain, it makes me hurt too" I murmur. Soon Colton stops suckling, his big green eyes drooping and his head lolling against (Y/N) "could you pop him in the back for me?" I gently take our son from her, kissing his forehead "you all full up now little man?" I coo, stroking his fluffy hair, I strap him into his car seat and give him a dummy to suck on before turning back to (Y/N) "I love you" I chuckle, kissing her gently.

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