You Break Up Because You're Pregnant And You Run Into Him Years Later (Part Two)

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Luke: "Calum, he broke up with me okay? He said he didn't want kids!" you snap and then hang up, the doorbell rings and you answer it only to see Luke standing there, biting his lip

"what now?" you growl "(Y/N) please let me see Skye! Look I'm sorry I broke up with you, I regretted it right after, and I tried to contact you but I never could, I knew you still spoke to Calum so I nagged him until he finally told me everything just last week, I flew all the way out here, and I missed three shows, just so I could see you two, I still love you, and I love our daughter, you know I still have the sonogram picture you sent me, I've kept it all these years, now please just let me see her" he begs

you gulp and nod, he follows you inside and you sit on the couch "Skye honey, come here a minute" you call, Skye skips into the room, her blonde hair messy "hey mommy look it's the man from Didney Land" she squeals

you nod and place her onto the couch in between you and Luke "Skye you know how I told you your daddy would come one day?" you ask, trying not to let your voice wobble

she nods excitedly, her bright blue eyes focused on yours "well he's here now, this is your daddy" you say quietly, she gasps and turns to Luke, her eyes wide

he grins and she returns it, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck "are you going to come and live with us?" she asks hopefully

Luke laughs nervously "um I don't know uh...Skye" he responds "I was kinda hoping you and your mommy might come and live with Australia" he says, glancing up at you

"Austri...Astrari...Austraia" Skye stutters "don't worry you'll get it" Luke laughs, stroking her hair, and before you can help it, a small smile spreads across your face.

Ashton: "So is that your boyfriend or something?" Simon asks, plopping next to you on the couch

you don't answer, still in shock "mom?" he asks, shaking your shoulder "mm what?" you mutter

"is he your boyfriend?" Simon repeats "no, no, he was though, many many years back" you say softly, memories of your relationship floating through your mind, your eyes fill with tears as you remember how angry he was when he broke up with you

"you still love him huh?" Simon asks quietly, noticing your teary eyes, you run a hand through your hair and cover your face, sobs racking through your body, he hugs you close as you cry

"don't worry, I bet he's a real asshole" he comforts you, you shake your head "no he's not Si, he's your father" you sniffle.

Michael: "So do you think I could hang out with you guys for a while?" Michael asks nervously,  you nod and place a now calm Noah on the ground

the three of you get an ice cream each and sit in the grass "thanks for buying me ice cweam Mister" Noah lisps, Michael smiles and ruffles Noah's hair, tears in the corners of his eyes

"Noah, this isn't just any Mister, this is your daddy, remember I told you he's just been busy which is why he never visits, well he's not busy now" you smile

Noah looks at Michael with gleaming eyes "wow! I never thought I would meet him" he says in awe.

Calum: "Did you know that guy mom?" Zöe asks, you shrug "not really" you mumble, chewing on your lip.

You arrive home and begin to prepare dinner, when you hear a knock on the back door, you open it and Calum comes in, he backs you up to the wall, his eyes hard and his jaw clenched

you gulp and drop your spoon "what are you doing here?" you squeak, he trails his fingertips up and down your arms, making you shiver "are you still affected by my touch, do I still get you as hot as I used to? He hisses, grinding his hips against yours

"Cal!" you gasp "if I fucked you right here on this table and you got pregnant, would you run away again, like you did the first time?" he growls, he presses his lips to your sweet spot, making you moan

"I still know all your body like the back of my hand, no matter how hard you tried to resist I could have you naked in two minutes" he growls, you whimper

"hey mom, is the food almost-oh my god!" Zoë cries, André rushes over "oh shit mom I thought you didn't know him that well! he groans

you push Calum off and straighten your dress "um kids this is just Calum a um friend of mine" you stutter

"I'm your dad" Calum states "oh my god Calum what the fuck?!" you cry, he shrugs "I just thought you ought to know, I'll leave my number and get going" he adds, leaving you with your gaping children.

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