You Hate Each Other And The Boys Lock You In A Room Together (Pt 2)

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Ashton: You can feel his eyes burning into the back of your skull and you gulp, suddenly taking great interest in your shoe laces, you hear him stand up and then he's right in front of you, looming over you

"(Y/N)" he snaps, you slowly look up, your eyes wide, making him frown "don't look so scared" he mutters, his voice softer "sorry" you whisper "look I didn't mean to say...what I did that just came out" he stammers

"Well you kind of embarrassed me...a whole lot" you mumble "I know, I know. But I didn't mean to, I just wanted to kiss you, you were right there and you looked so good and I just had to kiss you, I told you to get off because I hadn't wanted it to be good, I wanted it to be a terrible kiss, to give me a reason to stop liking you...but it was an amazing fucking kiss" he murmurs, rubbing his hands over his face

"You don't like me Ashton" you exclaim, he chuckles and shakes his head "ah dear sweet (Y/N), I'm crazy about you, I'm madly in love with everything about you" he says, a hint of sadness in his tone "I haven't been able to stop thinking about that kiss...pretty pathetic huh? Look just, I know you don't feel the same way, so I'm just going to go" he mutters

But before he can leave, you've leapt to your feet and grabbed his collar, yanking his face down to yours and kissing him hard "it's kinda pathetic, but I haven't been able to stop thinking about the kiss either, and I'm crazy about you too, and I'm also madly in love with everything about you" you murmur.

Calum: It's been two days, two days since 'the kiss', and everything has been awkward, you haven't spoken a word to the boys, and Calum seems to always be watching you, waiting for a chance to ambush you

The painfully obvious love bites on your neck make everything more awkward, and seem to always be the center of attention

You sigh and pull your collar higher, noticing Michael staring at the love bites, he quickly glances in the opposite direction and you stand up, leaving the study hall in a rush

You dump your books in your locker and rest your head against the door "(Y/N) are you okay?" Calum asks from behind you, you whirl around to meet his hard gaze, his dark eyes boring into yours

"Please leave me alone Calum" you mumble, trying to brush past him, but he grabs your arm to stop you "I want to talk, can't you gimme a chance?" He snaps

You sigh and he leads you towards the library, the two of you sit at the far back and he turns to face you "I know that you and I...don't really get along that well, and I know that that's mainly my fault, and I wanna say I'm sorry" he says it slowly, as if he's talking to a child

"Are you actually apologizing to me?" You ask in awe, he sighs and rolls his eyes "you know in junior school, how when a guy likes a girl he's mean to her? Like pulling her pigtails and giving her cooties?" He mutters, you nod, your eyebrows drawn down

"Well that's what I do, on a larger scale...I like you (Y/N), a lot, and when I'm with you, I can't control myself, that's why I kissed you the other day, heck that's why I want to kiss you everyday" he mumbles

Your jaw drops and you stare at him "and I'm sorry, I'm sorry about the hickeys too, I hope they don't hurt too bad, and I'm sorry about the boys being all weird around you, I'll talk to them, and I'm sorry that I like you, but you're just an amazing girl, you're sweet and funny and're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen" he says quietly

" Calum that's, I can't believe you actually like me, that's incredible, I always thought you hated me" you murmur

"I do hate you, I hate you for making me fell things for you when you don't feel it too" he groans "but Calum...I do feel it" you whisper

His eyes light up and he grins, chuckling softly to himself "that's what she said" he snickers, you roll your eyes and he winks at you, tugging you closer to him, his hands on your waist

"So can I kiss you?" He asks hopefully, you nod, and before you can say another word, his lips are on yours, moving slowly and passionately.

Michael: "Michael can you please look at me?" You beg, he lifts his green eyes from the floor and glares at you angrily "leave me alone (Y/N)" he snarls, you sigh and sit across from him, he gets up to leave but you grab his arm, making him stiffen

"I don't want to talk to you can you fuck off" he snaps "no Michael! I'm tired of you acting like this is all my fault! You kissed me, not the other way around!" You cry "yes I did kiss you, and now I regret it" he says with an exasperated sigh

A pang goes through your chest and you can't ignore the prickling in your eyes "Michael...why are you so cruel?" You whimper "why am I so cruel?! You're the one who made me look like a complete idiot! I kissed you and you begged me to continue and then you were shoving me off and telling me to stop! I layed out all my emotions and you crushed me like you couldn't care less!" Michael exclaims

You dart your eyes away, guilt plaguing you " that moment, I don't know what happened, I fell for you and I was confused, I wanted to stay there, kissing you forever, but in my mind, I knew you and I hated each other, I didn't know what to do so I ran, I'm sorry!" You say softly, brushing your hair out of your eyes

"Do you or do you not like me?" He asks, his voice wavering "I really like you" you giggle, a smirk spreads over his face and he leans over the table, his lips attaching to yours immediately.

Luke: It's been a month since the incident with Luke in the closet, and since then he's been avoiding you, doing everything in his power to make sure he doesn't run into you

And you've had enough, you want answers and you're gonna get them "Luke I know you're in there!" You yell, banging on his door, there is no answer, but after a few minutes the door opens, revealing a very tired looking Luke in a pair of pyjama pants, his toned torso on full display

"Get in here! Honestly you're making so much fucking noise!" He growls, his voice is rough and he has dark circles beneath his eyes, you follow him into his apartment and sit down daintily on the couch "what do you want?" He asks grouchily, rubbing his bloodshot eyes

"answers Luke! Why did you kiss me? You and I...well we don't get along! So why on earth did you kiss me?" You exclaim, Luke shrugs, glancing out the dark window biting his lip "wanted to" he mutters

"You wanted to? Why?" You ask, confused "I don't know, you looked hot? I don't know!" He sighs "stop lying Luke" you snap "look it was the only way to get you to do it!" He cries, his piercing blue eyes focusing on yours

"G-get me to do what?" You stammer, Luke groans and runs his hands through his already messy hair "scaring you was the only way to get you to kiss me" he mumbles "wait what?!" You exclaim

"I-I-being so close to you, in that tiny little cupboard, it was too much for me to resist" he stutters "you're just making me more confused" you whine

"I like you (Y/N)!" Luke snaps, he rubs his shoulder and closes his eyes "you like me?" You ask, your eyebrows raised "and I know you don't like me back, that's why I forced you" he mumbles

You slowly stand up and walk towards him "Luke I-I never knew" you say softly "yeah of course not, I never wanted you to know, that's why I was such an ass to you all the time, which is why I look like shit because I haven't slept for days, because I can't stop thinking about you and about the damn kiss and about how much you fucking hate me" he blurts, hanging his head

"Luke I don't hate fact, deep down I've always had a bit of a crush on you" you chuckle, he raises his head and his eyes meet yours "this better not be a joke" he says warily

You roll your eyes and wrap your arms around his neck, pressing your lips to his firmly "still think it's a joke?" You ask once you pull away, he doesn't say anything, instead he smirks and sits down on the couch, pulling you on top of him so you're straddling him, and grabs your face in his hands "I've never wanted to kiss anybody so bad in my life" he mutters

And then his lips are on yours, moving roughly and hungrily.

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