Baby Fever

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Calum: "Hun look at her, she's adorable! " Calum coos, picking your one year old cousin up and throwing her in the air, the toddler shrieks with laughter and Calum grins "she's so little, look at her tiny little baby hands and all her tiny little baby fingers with her tiny little baby fingernails, and her tiny little baby toes on her tiny little baby feet" he says in awe

"Yeah Cal I get it" you sigh, his smile drops and concern flashes over his face "babe what is it?" He asks, you shrug and suddenly realise just how fascinating your shoes are "I just-I know how much you want a baby right now" you mumble, shrugging your shoulders

Calum sets your cousin back in her crib and strokes her fluffy hair "well don't you want a baby?" He asks pointedly "well yeah...but Cal we've talked about this, and I don't think you realise just how much work babies are, and you've got your job, I'm trying to get my you know how my family is, if I'm not married I can't have kids" you groan, finally meeting Calum's velvety brown eyes

"Well we can get married, I plan on marrying you soon anyways" he smiles, grabbing your hands "but Calum, we're still young, we've got our whole lives ahead of us, we have time for marriage and kids and all that later on" you insist

"But I want a baby now" he pleads, pouting "and I you even understand what that means for me? I'd have to carry a human being around in my stomach for nine months Cal, and then push it out of my body! I mean that's frigging terrifying, and it's no easy feat!" You exclaim

He sighs and looks down, disappointed "you promise we'll have a baby when you're ready?" He whispers "yeah, I promise Cal, we'll have all the babies you want" you giggle, stroking his cheek "all I need is one or two...but I mean how long are we talking before you're ready?" he chuckles

You laugh and shrug, patting your flat stomach "at least a year" you reason,  looking at Calum, he sighs deeply and gives you another pout "Calum I'm making a huge sacrifice for you already...a baby and a wedding in the same year would be pretty nerve wracking" you insist

"Yeah I guess...I love you darling, and I don't want to pressure you, we'll have kids whenever you're ready and I just...I can't wait...seriously though hun, as soon as I get that ring on your finger, I'm gonna put a baby in you." he murmurs, kissing you lightly.

Luke: You groan and fall into Luke's arms "I swear if another one of my relatives asks if I'm infertile I will blow up" you whine, he laughs and kisses your forehead "I think that's kinda what their hoping you'll do" he grins, tapping your flat tummy "my great aunt literally just asked if I was 'barren' and then said she knew some good positions to fix it, then she started demonstrating and I honestly think I'm scarred for life" you growl

"Well sweetie, you know there's only one solution right?' Luke murmurs into your hair, you can feel his heartbeat pick up and you arch an eyebrow "I mean we don't have to start...trying to have one...all I'm saying is we can stop trying not to...if you know what I mean" he whispers, his blue eyes serious "well do you think we could maybe head upstairs and do that in the closet?" You smirk, pressing your lips to his, he grins and grabs your hand, dragging you up the stairs.

Thirty minutes later you are gasping for air, your back still pressed against the wall, Luke's naked body pressed up against yours, he kisses you breathlessly and trails his fingertips over the swell of your breasts "you think you're pregnant yet?" He asks, a smirk on his swollen lips "I don't know Hemmings, depends how fast your sperm are" you giggle

"They're pretty fast. Strong swimmers too" he says, trying not to laugh "hmm...we could just give it one more go, just to be sure ya know?" you whisper, kissing his sweet spot, he moans and nods, his hands slipping below your back to grip your bum "for the sake of our unborn child, we have to try again, I've got a couple more strong swimmers just begging to be released" he mumbles.

Ashton: "Aww Ash look at them!" You squeal, pointing towards a fan walking towards you, two identical twin boys clinging to her hands, both wearing matching outfits, he smiles and crouches in front of the little boys, they give him shy waves and their older sister laughs "could I hold one of them?" You ask, the girl nods and instantly you scoop up the boy nearest to you

He flashes a gummy smile and clings to your shirt with his chubby fists, you look up to see Ashton holding the other boy and you feel warmth spread throughout your chest at the thought of Ashton as a dad "you are the cutest things ever!" You coo, tickling the little boy, he giggles and wiggles in your arms, his dark brown eyes squeezed shut.

After a few more minutes you and Ashton finally leave and continue the walk back to your apartment, it is strangely silent, and the air is thick with tension "Ash...we've been together for a couple of years now, and well...I think it's time for the next step in our relationship" you say softly, he groans and covers his face with his hands "I don't want to talk about this right now (Y/N)" he mutters.

Slightly hurt, you fall silent, and when you get home you go straight up to bed, ignoring Ashton's calling. Soon after he comes up and sits on your side of the bed, his head in his hands "I love you kitten, and I can't relax if we're arguing" He says quietly, you are silent and so he goes on "I want to start a family with you more than anything in the world...and I want to be able to be there for you and our kid, I want to be able to support you (Y/N)" he murmurs, running a hand through his unruly curls

He stands up and begins pacing the room "I don't want to miss the first few years of my child's life because I was busy touring, and I don't want to make you have to give up everything to become a full time, stay at home mom. If you got pregnant now, you would be on your own for the last four months of your pregnancy, as well as the first four months of our child's life, and I cannot allow that...I'm sorry kitten, but a baby is just not a possibility right now" he whispers

"But when Ash? When does our baby stop being a figment of my imagination and actually become a reality?" You croak, your eyes brimming with tears, he sighs and you feel the bed dip as he crawls towards you, his arms snake around your waist, tucking your body against his "please don't cry my girl" he murmurs, kissing the base of your neck "I swear to you that when this tour is over, I'll talk to management and get a break, a year or two okay kitten?" He smiles, you nod, sniffling and turn to face him 'I love you too by the way" you mumble, nuzzling your face into his neck.

Michael: You lie in bed and sigh, your eyes fixed on the ceiling "what's up babe?" Michael asks, slipping his arms around your waist "just thinking" you mumble "about?" He prods, kissing your cheek  "us becoming parents" you whisper, he freezes and sits up on his elbows "are you serious?" He breathes, the corners of his lips curving into a grin

"Yeah" you murmur "wow...that's pretty big, a baby! I mean I've thought about it before, but I just always assumed you weren't ready" he says softly "yeah...but I am now I think, I wanna have a baby with mum is against it but I just...I really want this" you whisper, he sits up and bites his lip "you talked to your mum about it? What'd she say?" He breathes

"She thinks we're too young, thinks we should get married first" you sigh "well I mean...don't you wanna respect her wishes?" He asks worriedly "'s my life, and I want kids now" you grin, pushing his shoulders back and straddling him

"Wait r-right now?" He stammers, his hands on your chest, holding you back "yeah why not?" You grin, pulling his hands away from you and pushing his shirt over his head, you latch your lips onto his neck and he moans "sh-shouldn't we discuss this or something?" He croaks, his hands gripping your hips

"I want a baby, you want a baby...all we need to do now is make one" you smirk, pressing your lips to his firmly, he laughs and throws his hands in the air "oh what the hell" he mumbles, pinning you beneath him and tugging your shirt off.

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