His Family See Your/His Sex Marks

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Michael: You smile, wiggling your toes in the sand, enjoying the sea spray and warm breeze "Australia is amazing, gosh I wish I grew up here" you whine, leaning against Michael, he laughs, pressing a kiss to your forehead "(Y/N) I can't believe this is the first time you've been to the beach" his mother Karen grins, shaking her head incredulously "I know!" You giggle, you pull your hair up into a ponytail, tilting your head up to watch the seagulls "um...what's that sweetie?" Karen asks, squinting at your jaw "hmm?" You brush your fingers across your jawline, wincing as you touch a hickey "bruise, just a bruise" you say quickly, squeezing Michael's arm and quickly letting your hair down again.

Luke: "Are we almost there?" You whine, dragging your feet "just a couple more minutes" Jack laughs, you groan "I'm tired, and my feet hurt" you pout, giving Luke puppy dog eyes "alright come on then" he chuckles, allowing you to clamber onto his back, your arms wrapped around his broad shoulders, but after a few minutes he lets you down with a small groan "babe you can ask Jack, my wrists are hurting" he mumbles, you glance at his wrists and realise that they are swollen, chaffed and bruised purple from the handcuffs you had used on him the night before, you gasp, catching Jack's attention, and when he sees his younger brother's wrists, he smirks, his eyebrows raising "kinky" he chuckles, making Luke turn bright red.

Calum: You wake up to Calum's hard on pressing against your thigh, you try to move, but Calum's muscled arms are wrapped tightly around you, you tap his chest, trying to wake him up, but when that doesn't work, you snake your hand under the covers, down his abs and grip his hard on, stroking gently, he groans, bucking his hips up, his eyes opening slowly "mm good morning" he mumbles, his voice thick and gravelly "why is it that men always have erections in the morning?" You ask, he laughs, shrugging "one of life's unanswered questions" he chuckles, kissing you lightly "well get rid of it, your sister said we had to be up by eight" you smirk, standing up to get dressed, he groans, getting out of bed and grabbing a pair of sweats, you head downstairs and soon enough Calum joins you, sitting down at the table, Mali comes in behind you carrying a tray of breakfast "Cal your back is shredded!" She laughs, setting the tray down "(Y/N) you must have some sharp nails" she adds, you feel your face flush as Calum splutters beside you.

Ashton: You lay by the pool, watching as Ashton plays with his younger siblings in the water, splashing each other wildly "hey babe come join us" Ashton laughs, dodging as Harry tries to whack him with a pool noodle "but the water looks so cold" you whine "it's fun!" Lauren calls, climbing onto Ashton's shoulders before leaping back into the pool "I'm tanning" you respond, taking off your sunglasses "alright, if you won't come to the pool...the pool will come to you" Ashton smirks, splashing water at you, Lauren and Harry immediately join in and you squeal, shielding yourself "okay okay fine I surrender!" You cry, you stand up and slip off your sarong, but Ashton's smile instantly disappears and his eyes go wide "what's those marks?" Harry asks curiously, pointing to your hips, you glance down and instantly snap your head up to glare at Ashton "um...um...Ash?" You stammer, unsure as to what to say about the finger shaped bruises on your hips "uh (Y/N) just fell, yeah, she fell...I think we should head back inside yeah? It's probably time for lunch" Ashton says quickly, ushering Lauren and Harry out of the pool.

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