Announcing Your Miscarriage

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Ashton: "So Ashton, rumours have been flying around twitter that your girlfriend (Y/N) was seen leaving the hospital last night in L.A, could this have anything to do with her pregnancy? Or is it just check ups?" The interviewer asks, her eyebrows raised

Ashton stiffens and the other boys cast worried glances at him, knowing that the older boy is vulnerable at the moment, Ashton clears his throat, his eyes trained on the floor "um...we uh, we lost the baby...last night" he says quietly

It is the first time he has said it out loud and the reality hits him like a heavy blow, he stands up abruptly and walks stiffly off the set, doing his best not to cry.

Calum: "Hey preggers what's up?" Luke laughs, he pats your stomach gently and grins "how you feeling today? Have you felt any movement from baby Hood?" Michael chuckles, Ashton rubs your stomach "uncle Ashton is the best!" He says loudly

"Stop it you guys" Calum mutters, he sits next to you and the boys all give him puzzled looks, all fairly baffled as to why he suddenly minds their games "what's wrong Cal?" Ashton asks tentatively, Calum sighs and takes your hand in his, intertwining your fingers, he kisses the back of your hand, letting his lips linger over the skin

"We lost the baby" he says softly, there is silence and he let's out a shaky breath "so...yeah" he mumbles.

Michael (His P.O.V): "Hey mom" I sigh, falling tiredly into my mother's embrace, she is warm and welcoming and I can't help but break down, sobbing into her shoulder "Michael? Mikey what's wrong?" She asks, smoothing my hair out of my face and kissing my forehead

"Mom we lost the baby" I choke, my vision is blurred but I can see her distressed face "I don't know what went wrong" I croak, shaking my head.

Luke (His P.O.V): "I hope you're treating her right Luke, if you aren't its all Jack's influence, but seriously, a girl like (Y/N) is hard to find, and especially now that she's pregnant, bro you did that to her, so you're gonna wanna be kissing some major ass, I'm talking breakfast in bed, foot rubs, cuddles, the lot" my brother Ben says over the phone

"Ben" I mutter, I run my hand through my hair and press my phone closer to my ear "and if she gets stretch marks, rub her stomach with oil, and just try and make sure they aren't too bad or else she'll blame you for them for the rest of your life" he drones on "Ben" I repeat

"Yeah?" "We lost the baby Ben, it's gone" I mumble, I feel my eyes fill with tears and I hastily wipe them away, even though my brother is miles and miles away and can't see me.

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