First Time He Hears You Swear

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Michael: "My friends were like so in love with you" you giggle, poking Michael's side with one hand and keeping the other on the steering wheel, he laughs and pretends to flip his hair over his shoulder

all of a sudden a large pickup truck zooms forward and swerves, nearly knocking you off the road "Fucking asshole!" you scream, pointing your middle finger at him, he disappears down the road and you frown

"woah (Y/N)! I didn't think you...used words like that" Michael laughs "sorry, I didn't mean to" you mumble "I'm not fact I have to admit that I'm a little turned on, that was hot" he smirks, you blush and focus your eyes on the road.

Calum: You are in a shitty mood, you've just been fired from your part time job at McDonald's and you have been given five essays and three power point presentations to do in two days, plus you're having your period, and you're cramps are going crazy.

You hurry down the sidewalk, trying to shield your textbooks from the sudden downpour, you huddle under your coat and run, slipping and sliding in the muddy puddles

suddenly you crash into someone and all your books and notes fall into the mud "watch where you're going fucking dumbass" you snap, even though you know it's partly your fault, you kneel down, scrambling for the loose sheets of paper, but they are soaked, the ink running through, you feel your eyes fill with tears because you know you're going to have to redo them and that it could take hours

someone kneels next to you, picking up your textbooks "hey um, fucking dumbass over here" he mumbles, he helps you up and hands you your soggy textbooks "I have an umbrella, if you want I can walk you" he offers, you nod

"so what's your name sailormouth?" he asks "(Y/N), what about you?" you reply "oh well I thought we'd already established that my name is Fucking Dumbass" he grins, his brown eyes twinkling, you laugh "come on for real" you giggle "I'm being serious! The minute I was born, my mom took one look at me and said yupp Fucking Dumbass!" he chuckles

you whack his arm playfully "okay okay! It's Calum" he smirks, you smile and hug your books tighter to your chest.

Ashton: "Mayfair!" Ashton yells, dropping the monopoly money on the table and doing a victory dance, you groan, all you have is Whitechapel and Kings Cross Station, and they are both mortgaged, plus you are in debt to Michael

Luke collects the money and stores it in the bank "Cal, can I borrow a five hundred?" you hiss "I'm already piss poor" he mutters "yeah but I'm the one who landed on Michael's hotel minefield, I owe him two thousand" you whisper "I can give you two hundred" he mumbles "two fifty?" you plead, he grumbles but hands it to you beneath the table

"Park Lane and Piccadilly!" Ashton laughs, arranging all his property cards in a line "Ashton I will fucking step on your neck if you don't shut up!" you screech, he blinks at you and then all the boys burst out laughing "oh babe you're so cute" he chuckles, kissing your cheek.

Luke: You are experiencing the worst cramps of your life, you feel like satan's children are slowly picking apart your uterus and eating it, while an angry unicorn stabs you in the stomach with it's horn.

You groan and lie face down on the couch "hey baby what's wrong?" Luke asks "I fucking hate unicorns" you mutter, Luke laughs "I like it when you swear" he chuckles "I fucking hate unicorns" you yell into the couch

"PMS?" Luke asks "no just MS" you mumble "what is that?" he laughs, you look at him and raise your eyebrows "PMS stands for pre menstrual stress, remove the P and whaddya got? MS, menstrual stress. I'm on my goddamn period retard" you snap

he raises his hands in surrender, chuckling to himself.

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