He Overhears You Talking To Your Bump (His P.O.V)

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Michael: I slip off my boots with a sigh and toss my jacket onto the couch, tired out after an all nighter at the studio, I'm about to call out (Y/N)'s name when I hear her voice talking softly. Curious, I tiptoe along the corridor and peek around the door frame of the new baby nursery, where I see (Y/N) sitting on the plush carpet, leaning back against the wall, her hands wrapped around her massive baby bump "-and your daddy will be home soon, he's been working late and I miss him, you'll like your daddy, he's always changing his hair color, I always warn him against it, cause it's really bad for your hair and all; I tell him that he'll go bald...but he doesn't care...you can't tell daddy but I secretly love it when he dyes his hair. " she giggles, her fingers rubbing gentle circles over her belly, I smile, leaning against the door frame "your daddy is gonna spoil you rotten no doubt, you're going to be such a daddy's girl" she shakes her head and purses her lips, I chuckle softly, making her look up, her eyes going wide and her cheeks flushing, she attempts to struggle up from the floor and I quickly grab her arms, steadying her "careful there bunny" I laugh, kissing her forehead "oh god how much of that did you hear?" She mumbles, her cheeks bright red "not much, just how much you love it when I dye my hair" I smirk, my hands resting on her hips, she groans, burying her face in the crook of my neck "aww baby, I thought it was cute" I laugh, stroking her back as she whines.

Ashton: I yawn, rubbing my eyes and rolling over, expecting to see (Y/N) lying next to me, fast asleep with my Queen t-shirt stretched over her massive bump, but instead I am met with the empty bed. I am up in a flash, tripping down the stairs in a panicked frenzy, as I skid into the kitchen I spot her leaning over the stove, her tummy dangerously close to a precariously balanced pan of sizzling, spitting bacon "step away from the stove please baby" I warn, she turns to me with a sigh and stomps over to the kitchen island "I'll handle breakfast" I smile, pecking her quickly on her soft lips, I trail into the pantry to find some baked beans and as I am in the doorway heading back, I hear (Y/N)'s voice "-so overprotective. Your daddy won't even allow me to make you two some breakfast!" She huffs, I chuckle to myself, realizing that she's talking to the twins, I peek around the door to see her, her forehead on the cool marble counter top, her hands wrapped around her tummy "if you had seen how close the twins were to that pan you would understand" I say defensively, her cheeks flush and I laugh, kissing her forehead.

Calum: Back from a five month tour a week early and completely exhausted, I trudge up the stairs, yawning silently as I leave my suitcase by the coat closet, I'm about to open the bedroom door when I hear (Y/N)'s voice come floating up the hallway, I smile and it pulls me-like a magnet-towards her, I peek my head around the pink nursery door, my heart swelling at the sight of her, her stomach has doubled in size over the last few months and she is glowing, she is leaning back in a rocking chair, one hand resting lightly on her bump, the other holding a copy of 'The Kissing Hand', she reads aloud, smiling at the cute story and tracing little shapes over her tummy "your daddy and I love you so much darling" she giggles, her eyes fixed on her bump, I feel my smile grow wider and I find myself unable to believe how incredible my life is "how did I get so lucky hm?" I chuckle, she looks up, her eyes wide, a smile breaks out on her face and she shoots out of her seat, waddling over and throwing her arms around my neck, I twirl her around and kiss her passionately, laughing into the kiss.

Luke: I roll over slowly, landing with a painful thud on the living room floor, I groan, my eyes blinking automatically in the morning sunlight, I run my hands through my messy bedhead and stagger to my feet, tugging on my sweats and lurching up the stairs, my head aching slightly and the foul taste of stale alcohol on my breath "fuck" I mumble, swallowing an aspirin dry, I know (Y/N) is pissed at me for coming home drunk because I'm sleeping on the couch. My hand is a centimetre from pushing the door open when I hear (Y/N)'s teary voice "I know he's your daddy...but this is the sixth time this month that he's done this...I don't know if I can cope anymore..." I feel my heart stop and my breath catches in my throat , silently I push the door open and pad in, sitting next to (Y/N) on the bed, she has her hands wrapped protectively around her bump, tears running down her face "baby girl I'm so sorry" I whisper, laying my hands over hers and pulling her against my body "I've been under a ton of stress with the album and stuff, and I know alcohol isn't the answer, and I'll stop I swear, just don't take him away from me, you two are my number one priority in the whole world, you can't go" I nuzzle my face against her neck, kissing her shoulder "you swear you'll stop?" She asks shakily, I nod "I swear baby girl" she gives me a watery smile and I kiss her softly.

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