He Talks About Your Child In An Interview

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Michael: "I'm like the cool dad y'know? Like Maven is sixteen now and when she wants to go out somewhere and as long as she isn't going out with some guy I'm like 'oh yeah here's fifty bucks get back before midnight' and (Y/N) is like 'where are you going? Who are you going with? Will there be an adult to supervise you? When will you be back?' And so between the two of us it's like a perfect balance" Michael laughs, scratching the back of his neck "I let Maven get away with a lot, I mean when she does something, she just gives me this little pout and she's got these big green eyes and she'll just be like "I'm sorry daddy" and I just melt, she's got me wrapped around her finger and she knows it, and it's the same with Kurt, the other day he broke a window and I was really pissed, but he's learnt from Maven, and he knows he can always wriggle out of trouble if he acts all cute, and he's only seven now but Maven has taught him all her tricks" he says, shaking his head, the other boys laugh and Michael runs his hand through his hair, grinning "I'm a bit of a softie when it comes to my kids" he admits, the interviewer laughs and there is collective "awws" from the crowd.

Ashton: "Madeline is twelve now and every time there's the end of term awards at her school, when she gets called I'm just there like 'yes! That's my girl! Yeah baby!' And she's like 'omg dad stop it' it's so funny, I'm a bit of an embarrassing dad I guess" Ashton chuckles, he brushes his hair out of his eyes and grins, his dimples showing "and the other day, my youngest, Fey, basically (Y/N) was out of town and I was just shitting myself trying to get all the kids to school, and the twins Jax and Andy, are such troublemakers, so I had to see their teacher later and I was just stressing out, and when I picked up the kids from school we forgot Andy's bag and we had to go back and get it and Jax was determined he was going to die from cooties and Madeline was just so fed up of her brothers and afterwards I was making dinner and it burnt and I just gave up and I was sitting at the dinner table with Fey and I go 'is there anything I'm doing right?' And she goes 'well you've still got hair, lots of the other daddies don't have hair, and you're handsomer than the other daddies' and I just burst out laughing, it was so cute" he laughs, leaning back in his chair and smiling.

Calum: "So this is an adorable photo, this photo shoot with Aspen and Axel is literally as your fans say 'life'" the interviewer laughs, pointing to the photo of Calum and the twins laughing together on the screen "oh yeah, that photo shoot was so hard, I remember when we got that picture we were all like 'yes! We got it, she smiled! Whew thank god!' Because the whole time Aspen was just not in a good mood and she was not having any of it, and then there was this like little five minute period where she was just so happy and literally the whole photo shoot is in that little space of time, she had a tantrum right afterwards so we just gave up, but thankfully we got a couple of photos where she was smiling, Axel was a little angel the whole time, but Aspen I think was just a little tired, we had to fly from Sydney to New York and then Amsterdam and then here to California, it's been a busy few days so I don't blame her, she's only three anyways" Calum explains, smiling at the memory "today she woke up and she goes 'daddy you owe me a million dollars' and I'm like 'oh really?" And she goes 'yeah, you said yesterday to show the cameras my million dollar smile and I did' I was just like what have I raised?" Calum laughs, shaking his head and rubbing his eyes "she's quite sassy, she gets it from her mother, Axel's the opposite though, he's really shy, more like me" he grins, looking at the picture again, his smile spreading over his whole face.

Luke: "So Raoul is one now, and like whenever we go places people always want to carry him and I'm like okay, time to demonstrate my skills, so I just hand him over right, and he just starts crying like mad, and I just go 'oh let me' and I take him and he stops crying and everyone is like 'oh you're so good at this, you're such a great dad' and I just feel so accomplished, but as soon as he sees his mother he'll scream till he's with her, no one compares to (Y/N) she's like the ultimate baby whisperer" Luke explains, grinning at the picture of his son on the screen "he looks just like you, he's got the eyes, the hair, the nose, the mouth, it's like you in baby form" the interviewer laughs, pointing out the features on the screen "yeah I know! The other day I was looking through this photo album and I saw this one picture of Raoul and I hadn't seen it before so I showed it to my mom and it turned out to be me actually, not Raoul, it was me when I was like one, he's like a mini-me" Luke chuckles, smiling happily "(Y/N) keeps saying this one will look like me too, but I think it'll look like her...oops...well, the secret's out now I guess, (Y/N) is pregnant again, yeah...she is gonna kill me" he laughs, covering his face with his hands "wow you get pretty busy huh?" The interviewer smirks, winking at Luke, he laughs, blush creeping up his neck as he nods shyly.

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