Pregnancy Problems (His P.O.V)

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Michael: "I'm being completely honest, we haven't had sex in three months!" I exclaim, running my hands through my hair in frustration "three?" Luke laughs, shaking his head in disbelief "three" I repeat, his blue eyes so wide "why not?" He chuckles, I let out a dry laugh and sigh "(Y/N) thinks it could hurt the baby, or the baby would see" I say, rolling my eyes, Luke bursts out laughing "oh my god! Imagine it could though! Like imagine the baby could actually see your dick like there!" He exclaims between gasps of laughter, I groan and close my eyes, slightly disgusted.

Ashton: "I passed out" I mumble, my cheeks tinging pink, Calum shakes his head  in disbelief, laughing softly "they brought out the epidural and it was huge and they fucking injected it into her spine" I defend myself "you passed out because of an injection Ash!" Calum snorts, his dark hair falling over his eyes "the needle was like two feet long!" I protest, my cheeks hot.

Luke: "Mate what if the baby is a girl?" I mutter, twiddling my fingers "then it' a girl?" Michael suggests "if it's a girl I'll have to deal with all sorts of boy trouble and shit, girls are so dramatic! And emotional! And oh dear lord what about when she gets her...girl thing?" I whimper, my eyes wide "you'll deal with it" he laughs, making a face, clearly amused at my worries.

Calum: "Oh my god, that's what birth is like?" I breathe, my eyes screwed shut, Ashton sits next to me, looking equally petrified "how did-what-why-how-oh my fucking god" he gasps, I swallow and nod "that-that is not natural! " I cry, digging the heels of my palms into my eyes, but the video is tattooed onto the inside of my eyelids "that was impossible I-I don't believe that" I choke, he nods "I-I don't ever wanna see that again" I stammer, he looks at me, biting his lip "what about with y'know, you and (Y/N)'s?" He asks "fucking hell, I don't know mate, all I know is that I am never gonna get her pregnant again, shit, I don't want her to go through that, fuck, the baby'll just have to stay in there" I fret, wringing my hands.

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