You Go Into Labor (His P.O.V)

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Ashton: "Okay Dyl there's mac and cheese in the fridge, heat it up if you guys get hungry, and you need to help Max with his math homework, and don't just tell him the answers like you usually do. Max, Charlie, be good and listen to your brother, Charlie that means you, I want all of you in bed before nine, Dylan you too, I'm going to pick you guys up early tomorrow morning okay?" I ramble, hastily shoving things into an overnight bag

"Yes dad" my three sons chorus, I can hear (Y/N) whimpering in the next room and I know it is making them agitated "is mom going to be okay?" Max asks, his lip wobbling and his big green eyes filling with tears "yeah Maxy, she'll be fine, don't worry" I assure him, giving him a hug

He sniffles and Charlie picks him up "don't worry about mum bud, she's going to be okay" he smiles, but I can tell he's worried, Dylan drapes his arm around his brother's shoulders and gives me a grim smile, which I return "okay, I'm going to get your mom now, and by this time tomorrow you guys will have a brand new sister" I grin

I hoist my bag over my shoulder and head back to where (Y/N) is sitting in the living room, tears streaming down her face "Ash hurry" she whimpers, I help her up and we head towards the door, as I open it (Y/N) doubles over, and a shrill scream escapes her throat "oh god babe, it's okay, relax, we're nearly there" I murmur

Dylan and Charlie rush in, worry etched over their faces, and Max peeks in from the doorway "are you okay mum?" Dylan asks, she presses her palms to her stomach and nods, her eyes squeezed shut, Dylan moves forward, and wraps his arm around her waist, and Charlie wraps his around her back, helping her out

I scoop up the fallen bags and open up the car and finally the three of us are able to get (Y/N) strapped in, she is lying there, gasping for air, Dylan and Charlie staring at her "take care" Dylan mumbles, he kisses her forehead and Charlie moves her hair out of her eyes "good luck mum, we love you" he whispers, hugging her, I close the door and start the car, holding (Y/N)'s hand tightly.

Michael: I pick up my phone, my hands shaking, and hastily dial my mother, she picks up immediately and I sigh in relief "mom, (Y/N)'s water just broke, and it's not supposed to for another month, and I don't know what to do, and she said she's having contractions but they aren't too painful, and I don't know whether to take her to the hospital or not and I need help" I blurt

She laughs and I bite my lip "its alright dear, you have time, check her contractions, see how long they last, and how much time there is between them, if she isn't in a lot of pain, then it's okay, let her be, but if you really want, you can take her to the hospital now" she chuckles

"Yeah okay, thanks for the advice mom, see you tomorrow" I mumble, I hang up and turn the phone over in my trembling fingers "(Y/N)? Babe were going to the hospital" I yell, grabbing the baby bag from under the bed and my car keys

"Oh honestly Michael, you're such a drama queen" (Y/N) laughs, following me to the car "I just want my son to be safe, and I want you to be safe" I mumble.

Calum: "Okay bye bye baby, be good for uncle Michael, I'll see you in the morning okay" I murmur, kissing Bluebell's forehead, she nods and hugs me tightly "bye daddy" she whispers, then she runs over to Michael who scoops her into his arms and pats my shoulder "good luck mate" he grins

I jog back to the car and drive home, I enter the front door and immediately I see (Y/N) she is sitting on the couch, crying silently and clutching her swollen stomach "babe? I'm back" I say softly, she looks up at me, hiccuping and I snake my arm around her waist, hoisting her up

We totter over to the car, her knees almost giving in with each step, and I help her in, we drive to the hospital, skipping over red lights and going way over the speed limit,  but I don't care.

Luke: She grips my hand tightly as we maneuver through the throng of screaming fans, she is whimpering, clinging to me desperately, every few minutes she stops, her eyes wide and tears sliding down her face, I see a group of fans yelling at the others, telling them to make room, to back off, and I silently thank them

When we finally reach the car, (Y/N) is sobbing her whole body shaking, she collapses into the passenger seat, her hands on her huge bump "get them out Luke" she sobs as I start the engine

"They'll be out soon princess okay? Just take deep breaths, okay, you're my brave girl, and you can do this" I murmur, holding her hand tightly.

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