He's Jealous Of You Spending Time With Another Member (Part Two)

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Michael: "Michael!" you yell, chasing after him, you grab his shoulder and turn him around "what's wrong?" you ask gently, laying your hand on his cheek

"I don't know, maybe the fact that you were sitting on Ashton's lap and letting him touch you!" he shouts "oh Michael, Michael, you're my boyfriend, and I love you, the only reason I was with Ashton was so he could teach me to play the drums" you say quietly, stroking his face

"I gathered" he grumbles "are you being a jealous boyfriend?" you giggle, he grunts and presses his lips to yours "please don't have anymore drumming lessons from Ashton" he mumbles, you nod, a small smile on your face.

Ashton: "Ash what is your problem?" you demand, yanking him into the hallway, he looks at his feet, mumbling incoherently "what?" you snap "Michael" he says a bit louder "what about him?" you ask "he's always allover you" Ashton grumbles

"really Ash? We play video games together once and suddenly he's always allover me?" you growl "well he was sitting really close to you, and he kept touching you" Ashton mutters "jesus christ Ash, you're like a jealous little kid" you say shaking your head "and I think you need to go in there and apologise to Michael for being so rude" you order him

"yes mom" he sighs, you chuckle and give him a light kiss "you know I love you, there's no need to get jealous" you smirk, pushing him back into the room to apologise.

Luke: "Luke what the hell?!" you snap, following him out, he's quiet, his jaw clenched tightly "Luke! Luke answer me!" you yell grabbing the back of his t-shirt, he spins around to face you, towering over you in an extremely intimidating way, but you don't back down

"Luke why did you say that?" you ask, trying to keep your voice level "Well you fucking love Calum now don't you?! I saw you two, practically dry humping each other! You even smell like him now!" he hisses "what?! Luke! You know that's not what happened!" you cry, shoving his chest, he doesn't budge "I know you like him (Y/N), you can't fool me!" he snarls "

I-I don't like Calum" you splutter "I've seen the way you act around him! Like you're just begging him to fuck you on the nearest table!" Luke yells, you gasp "I don't! You're just blinded by jealously! You act like I can't spend time with any male, except you!" you shout "I'm not jealous" Luke spits "I just don't want Calum touching you like that, or any guy for that matter" he mumbles, his anger ebbing away "Luke, I love you, not Calum, if Calum teaches me how to play guitar, it doesn't make me love you less" you murmur, wrapping your arms around him, you lay your head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat, hard and fast "I love you too" he sighs, resting his chin on the top of your head.

Calum: "Cal! Calum! Let me explain, please!" you beg, running after him "No (Y/N)! Luke?! Really?! You're seeing Luke behind my back?!" he yells, moving further away, he opens the front door and dashes out, running over other people's front lawns, you follow him "Cal, it's not like that! I just said he was singing well!" you cry "yeah cause every time you complement someone's voice, they try to fuck you on your boyfriend's couch right?" he spits "Calum! He was just tickling me!" you shout "oh that makes me feel so much better!" he replies sarcastically, suddenly you trip, your ankle twisting, you scream out in pain, tears filling your eyes, Calum is immediately at your side "fuck" he mumbles helping you up, he places his arm behind your knee and picks you up gingerly "ow" you whimper, he holds you tighter, trying not to jostle you "Cal you know I'd never cheat on you, I love you" you sniffle "I love you more, and I'm sorry" he murmurs, kissing your forehead.

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