You Cry Because Of Your Child

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Luke: "Daddy my chest hurts" Seth is awake and wriggling in his hospital bed, as he struggles to sit up, you can see a few locks of his soft blond hair have fallen out and are laying on his pillow, Luke is by his side in his second, stroking his back gently "I know buddy, I know. It'll be over soon and it won't hurt anymore okay? And look mommy is here too" Luke wraps his arm around your shoulders as you take Seth's cold little hand in yours "hi sweetie" you whisper through your tears. You both knew Seth wasn't going to live much longer, he'd inherited your grandmother's cancer, and his tiny body was pricked with needles and racked with Chemotherapy, and at the tender age of four, he was faced with death much sooner than you'd ever expected "why are you crying?" Seth asks, you shake your head, wiping your eyes, Luke kisses the side of your head and sets his hand on top of yours "we'll miss you bud, we love you" he says softly, you both watch as Seth drifts off to sleep, and as you leave the room, you allow yourself to break down.

Ashton: You sigh softly and wrap your arms around yourself, watching the ventilator rhythmically pumping air into your six week premature daughter's lungs, her fragile body is dwarfed by the diaper that covers nearly half of her, needles and tubes attached to every inch of skin "you're torturing yourself" Ashton's voice is gentle and calm as he wraps you in his arms, his chin resting on your shoulder, he watches his daughter for a few seconds before turning away, pulling you with him, the sight to much for him to bear "the doctor said she's responding well to the treatment" you mumble, running a hand through your messy hair "she's been waking up a lot, opening her eyes...I haven't seen her do it yet, but the nurses tell me she has your eyes" you say quietly, he nods and smiles half heartedly "how are you doing?" His question catches you off guard and you shrug "I'm a mess" you admit, finally breaking down, sobbing uncontrollably into his chest "I just want to hold my daughter" you hiccup, forcing the words out in between quivering sobs, Ashton doesn't say anything, he just holds you tightly, rubbing your back slowly in an attempt to soothe you "we just got her Ash, if we lose her...we've waited so long" you shake your head and bury your face in his neck "it's all gonna be okay" Ashton murmurs into your hair, his simple but sure words lifting your spirits just a tiny little bit.

Michael: You stalk into the house, followed by your fuming fifteen year old daughter "Madison your father and I told you you couldn't go to that party, how dare you try to sneak behind our backs?! Your behavior is absolutely uncalled for!" You snap, crossing your arms as Michael comes in as well, standing in the corner to observe "and wearing that! Madison! I'm sorry but you look like a cheap slut!" You exclaim, pulling at your hair in frustration "I have tried everything with you Madison, everything, but if I give you an inch you take a mile! You cannot have your cake and eat it Madison, and don't you roll your eyes at me! I know you're a teen and you feel like you're better than everyone else and you rule the world, and I'm just being an annoying parent nagging you, but god Madison grow up!" You snarl, Madison crosses her arms, glaring at you "I hate you and I wish anyone else in the world was my mother" she snaps, running up to her room, you sigh, sinking down onto the sofa "great" you mumble to yourself, wiping away your tears fiercely "she-she didn't mean it" Michael whispers, sitting next to you and draping his arm around your shoulders "she does love you, she's just a teenager" he adds, kissing the top of your head, you are quiet, sobbing silently into his shirt "look I'll go get her" he says softly, he climbs the stairs and knocks on his daughter's bedroom door "Madi? It's dad" he says, the door opens slowly and you hear Madison come out sniffling "I didn't mean it daddy, I'm sorry" she whimpers "don't apologise to me, apologise to your mum, you really hurt her feelings" he murmurs, pulling her into a hug, and soon you feel her sit next to you, she wraps her arms around you and you quickly return the gesture, holding her close "I'm sorry, I love you so much mom, you're the best mom in the whole world" she sobs, you nod, crying and kissing her hair "I love you too" you croak "kay come on, I don't wanna see my queen or my princess crying, it makes me wanna cry" Michael mumbles, wrapping his arms around both of you.

Calum: You watch as your nineteen year old son packs the last of his stuff into a big bag, zipping it up and standing up with a tired sigh "hey, mom? Mom are you crying?" He asks softly, padding over to you, you give a watery chuckle and shake your head "no, no don't worry about me I'm just being a sentimental old shit" you mumble, protesting feebly as he pulls you into his strong arms, hugging you tightly "I'm going to miss you" he grins, pressing a kiss to the top of your head "oh I'll miss you too Zac, but your father and I are so proud of you...oh my little boy is going to college" you sigh, more tears flowing down your cheeks "he's not our little boy anymore darling, he's a man now!" Calum laughs, coming into the room, he runs a hand through his graying hair and slings an arm around Zac's shoulders "don't go getting too drunk at any frat parties okay? Or getting any college babes pregnant! And eat proper food Zac, not just pot noodles and takeaway!" He warns, giving his son a playful jab in the ribs, the two of them have a quick mini wrestling match, both of them laughing as you tug them apart "no rough housing indoors, I've been telling you guys this for eighteen years!" You giggle, they both hang their heads and pout, the resemblance between them uncanny "like father like son" you sigh and they both tackle you, tickling you till you fall into Calum's arms, writhing, there is a breathless silence, all of you panting and then Zac sighs "I better be going then, I'm already late" he mumbles, he reaches out to wrap his arms around you again and you instantly feel your eyes fill with tears again, Calum joins the hug and soon you find yourself standing on the driveway, waving madly at Zac's car as it disappears down the road "they grow up so fast huh?" You sniffle, Calum nods, a little smile on his face "I feel like only yesterday he was a tiny little baby lying fast asleep against my chest" he breathes.

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