Pregnancy Scare

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Calum: He'll sit with you on your bed, holding you in his arms tightly, he'll reassure you that if you are pregnant he'll stay with you "I love you no matter what happens" he'll murmur, kissing your shoulder. When the timer goes off, he'll check the test and sigh with relief "negative" he'll breathe, kissing your lips lightly.

Michael: He'll pace around the room nervously, apologising profusely "Michael we don't know for sure" you'll say quietly and he'll nod, sitting next to you and chewing on his lip, you'll watch him warily, worried that if the test turns out positive, he'll run "my mom is going to kill me" he'll mumble, you'll pick at your fingernails and look at the bathroom door "well no your dad is going to kill me, and your brothers, oh god, I'm so dead" he'll whimper, the timer will go off and he'll dash to fetch the test "it's negative!" He'll screech, jumping for joy and kissing you.

Luke: He'll sit with you on the edge of the bathtub, his arms around you and his knee bouncing, watching the pregnancy test "we're not ready for a kid (Y/N), you've only just started college and I'm going on tour soon, we-we can't be parents, not yet, we don't have a house, we don't live together, we don't have a dog, we haven't practiced this, and-and our parents, our parents will murder us! Your dad still thinks you're a virgin!" He'll mumble under his breath, biting on his lip, the timer goes off and you'll glance at the test, a smile spreading over your face, you'll show it to Luke and he'll pick you up, twirling you around and press his lips to yours.

Ashton: He'll hold you in his lap as you cry, kissing your forehead and stroking your arm "we'll get through this babe, it'll be okay, we'll be fine" he'll soothe you, but you can see from the way he bites his lip that he's nervous too "if it's positive I swear I'll stay with you, I love you" he'll whisper, kissing you softly, you'll nod, hiccuping quietly, and then the timer will go off, he'll hold your hand tightly and peek at the test and then turn back to you, beaming "it's negative" he'll murmur, crashing his lips onto yours.

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