Your Water Breaks While He Is On Stage

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Michael: Michael and the boys have just gone on stage and you can hear them singing, you are lying in the dressing room,your hands on either side of your large stomach, just breathing, you can feel small twinges of pain in your abdomen, but you try to ignore them

Slowly you stand up and begin pacing the room, then a sharp stabbing pain wracks through your body and you double over in pain, groaning "Michael!" You cry, even though you know he'll never hear you above the noise of the concert

You slowly straighten up and a gasp escapes your lips, the floor is covered with liquid, it's clear and slippery, with a pinkish tint "oh dear lord" you mumble, you stumble out of the dressing room, clutching your stomach and gasping for air

Seconds later you run into one of the stage hands, a young man in his twenties, writing something on a clipboard "Michael! Get Michael!" You plead, clutching his shirt, you lean against the wall, sobbing as another contraction hits

The man looks terrified, but quickly hurries to the side of the stage, he talks to one of the assistants and gets Michael pulled off stage, he runs towards you, worry etched over his face

You fall into his arms, clinging to his shirt "I was just-just-just-then it was just-so painful-and I-I thought it'd go and you-you couldn't hear-hear me I ca-called but you didn't-didn't hear bu-but-but no-water broke-broke all over everywhere-in-in the room-the room-the dressing room-don't go in-in there this hurts-holy fuck" you pant, as he helps you towards the exit

"Slow down babe, it's okay, I'm here now, I've got you" Michael murmurs, stroking your sweaty hair out of your eyes.

Calum: You sit down slowly, taking deep breaths, you've been experiencing light contractions all day, but you didn't tell Calum, you didn't want to worry him before the big show, but now the contractions are becoming more and more painful

You bite your lip and wipe your sweaty palms on your jeans, Mali comes over to you and lays her hand on your shoulder "what's wrong, should I get Calum?" she asks, you shake your head, smoothing your top over your large bump, you feel a kick against your hand and a shaky smile crosses your face

Then you feel warmth spreading through your panties, and running down your leg "oh no" you breathe, screwing your eyes shut, you shake your head and Mali grabs your hand "what's wrong?" She asks, her voice more frantic

"I think my water just broke" you whisper, your fingers shaking, Mali gasps, her eyes wide "oh god, oh god, oh god" she chants, closing her eyes "we have to get Cal" she mumbles "no! I'll be fine, the baby can wait" you say firmly

But your point is rendered moot as you scream loudly, clutching your stomach "this hurts" you shriek, your eyes filling with tears "okay, let me just uh..." Mali trails off, glancing in the direction of the stage "don't Mali" you pant

But she ignores you, darting off to the side of the stage, Michael is nearest to her, and you see her gesturing wildly, shouting for him, when he finally spots her, she points at Calum, who is still oblivious to what is going on

Micheal hurries over to him and taps his shoulder, whispering something in his ear, Calum looks puzzled, but comes over to Mali, they have a quick whispered conversation and then Calum dashes off stage

He spots you, and crouches at your side "babe, babe look at me" he whispers, stroking your cheek, you lift your head, tears streaming from your eyes "Calum it hurts" you whimper, he nods, helping you up "I know babe, but it's for our boy okay? It's all for our little boy" he soothes, he and Mali wrap their arms around you, helping you up so you can go to the hospital.

Luke: You are two weeks past your due date, but you still wanted to come and see Luke perform, at first he refused, but you negotiated, and he grudgingly allowed you to come, but only with his two older brothers keeping a watchful eye on you

You slowly push yourself out of your chair, only to be ordered back by Ben "Ben come on I can get a glass of water by myself" you groan, he shakes his head "Luke said to make sure you're completely relaxed at all times" he chuckles, handing you a cup of warm water

"Can't I have cold water?" you whine "nope, Luke's orders" he grins, you sigh and fold your hands over your stomach "Luke doesn't want anything to happen while he's not around" Jack shrugs, patting your shoulder

"Yeah but I just wanna-" you're cut off by a sharp pain in your abdomen, you choke on your water, your hands on either side of your stomach "what's wrong?" Jack asks, immediately by your side, Ben lays his hand on your shoulder, his eyes wide

"What happened?" He demands, you shake your head, sigh and lean back "nothing, nothing" you mumble, the two brothers exchange wary looks before sitting back down, the minutes go by, and you feel another pain in your stomach, you grit your teeth, trying not to groan

"Uh (Y/N), I think you just peed" Jack says slowly, you raise your eyebrows and look down to see a puddle of liquid dripping from your chair onto the floor 'I didn't-I didn't water just broke" you whisper, they look at you, then each other "I'll handle this, you try and get Luke of stage" Ben states, Jack nods and  dissappears

Ben looks at you, frowning "does it hurt?" He asks, you nod, gritting your teeth as tears fill your eyes "okay um, do you want to walk around, or something? It might ease the pain and reduce the strain on your back" he suggests, you nod, sweat beading on your forehead

He wraps his arm around your waist and helps you up, but instantly pain shoots through your body "ow ow Ben this fucking hurts so bad" you sob, he strokes your back, helping you to walk forwards "it's okay, it's okay, Luke will be here in a second, don't worry" he soothes

Your contraction ends and you lean against him, panting, suddenly the music on stage stops and you hear Jack's voice over the speakers "Luke your girlfriend is giving birth backstage and we are freaking out so you better get your ass back here"

You close your eyes and despite the circumstances, you can't help but laugh, but your laughter soon turns to tears as another contraction hits, Jack bursts into the room, followed closely by a panicking Luke "I told you guys, I told you to make sure nothing happened, I told you!" He yells, rushing to your side

"Babydoll, are you okay? Oh god you're trembling, my poor baby, come on let's get you to the hospital" he murmurs, pulling you into his arms.

Ashton: The concert has only just started, and you don't want to worry Ashton, but as you pace up and down in the dressing room, the contractions are only becoming more painful

Harry and Lauren watch you with wide eyes, unsure of what to do, for their sake, you keep your screams down, digging your nails into your palms and breathing shakily with every contraction

"Are you okay (Y/N)?" Harry asks, looking scared "yes Harry I'm fine" you mumble, you sit down in between them and Lauren lays her head on your shoulder "it'll be okay" she whispers, Harry takes your hand in his little one and gives you a reassuring smile

You relax, taking a deep breath, but soon another contraction hits, taking you by surprise, you yelp and double over "Harry-Harry go get your mum please" you pant, the young boy dashes out of the room and your contraction ends "h-help me up" you choke, your eyes prickling with tears

Lauren wraps her arm around your waist, helping you to stand, seconds later you feel warmth trickling down your legs and you gasp "Lauren, I need you to get Ashton" you whimper, leaning against the wall "I-I can't leave you here" Lauren exclaims

"I'll be fine, just get Ashton" you beg, she darts out of the room and minutes later Ann comes in with Harry "oh god, where's Ashton?" she asks, instantly supporting you "Lauren's getting him" you pant, and right then Ashton bursts in, trailed by Lauren

"Oh shit, okay um, hospital, we need to get to the hospital!" He cries, he scoops you into his arms, kissing your sweaty forehead.

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