Fights (His P.O.V)

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Michael: "Baby I'm sorry" I yell, knocking on the frontdoor incessantly "no you're fucking not you asshole!" She snaps, I sigh, rolling my eyes "come on baby girl, I know I shouldn't have forgotten your birthday, but I've just been under so much stress lately, what with the new album coming out soon and all" I explain hopefully, I can hear her moving around inside, her stilettos clicking on the floor "go eat a dick Michael! You screwed up and I fucking hate you!" She screams, her voice cracks and then I can hear her muffled sobs "baby please don't cry, please, come on darling just let me in and I'll make it up to you" I beg, hammering my fist against the door "you think sex will make this better you horny bastard?! You can forget about sex till fucking next year you shit head!" I freeze, I know she'll carry out her threat if she has to, I decide to change my tactics, since apologizing and grovelling don't seem to be working their usual charm "(Y/N) you better screw your head on straight and open up this motherfucking door!" I yell, she scoffs and I grind my teeth together "baby please please please, I'm begging you, it's fucking freezing out here and I miss you, I know I haven't been a great boyfriend lately, but I swear I'll change" I whine, there's silence and I sigh, slumping down in the doorway, my head between my knees, and before long I've fallen asleep.

Luke: "Do you know where (Y/N) is?" I ask, desperately watching Calum's face as he frowns, shaking his head "she seemed pretty upset with you last night, whaddya do to her?" He asks, his eyebrows furrowing as he goes into protective big brother mode "we-we got into a fight,  but I really need to talk to her Cal, do you know where she is?" I plead, he shakes his head again "what happened between you two mate? Cause I swear if you've hurt her I'll bash your face in" he folds his arms over his chest, his biceps bulging "we just fought, it was stupid, she wanted another round of shots and I wouldn't let her get them because you told me not to let her get wasted, I mean she was already slurring and she'd only had one shot and a couple sips of my beer. So I told her no and she totally lost her shit and started yelling at me, saying that I'm too overprotective" I sigh, running a hand through my hair, Calum bites his lip "well thanks man, and look she really does love you, this morning she was waiting by the phone incase you called. She wants to make up, she's just a little proud" he explains, shaking his head, I duck my head, my heart beating faster in my chest "I-I can't make up with her Cal" I mumble, he frowns, his dark eyes narrowing "dude don't break up with her I'm begging you, she'll be crushed I-" "Cal it-it's not that...I love (Y/N) and I don't want to break up with her, but here's the you promise not to punch me when I tell you?" His jaw hardens, his muscles twitching "promise" he growls, I let out a loud sigh and meet his eyes "you know (Y/N)'s best friend?" He nods, his eyes growing darker and his hands curling up into fists, I gulp "I um...I slept with her that night-I was drunk and upset and it just...happened" my eyes shut and my breathing goes shallow, and I mentally prepare myself for a killer punch, I feel it instantly, Calum's fist slamming hard against my abdomen, I double over, winded and gasping "you said you wouldn't punch me" I wheeze, he cracks his knuckles "you said you'd take care of my sister Hemmings!" He snarls, his voice dripping with venom "you've screwed up royally dude, (Y/N)'s not gonna forgive you and neither am I" he is seething as he stalks off.

Calum: "You look tired babe" I chuckle, kissing (Y/N)'s cheek, she rolls her eyes "because I was up all night with Elliott" she snaps, glaring at me "well next time I can get him in the night, I can make up a bottle" I suggest, she folds her arms over her chest "you don't hear him, your head hits the pillow and you're dead to the world, a fucking cyclone couldn't wake you" she snarls, her voice rising "well I'm sorry that I'm tired out from work, performing is not as easy as it looks" I growl, running my hand through my hair "oh yeah poor Calum, you have to sing and play your guitar to millions of adoring fans, yeah what a fucking struggle" she says sarcastically, I grit my teeth "at least I have a job" I spit, she scoffs "you think taking care of your son-being a parent is not a full time job? Really? Who is it that wakes up at two am when Elliott starts screaming? Who is it that has given up a social life, a paying job, pretty much everything, to stay home and be the mother that Elliott needs and the girlfriend that you need? When was the last time you spent more than thirty minutes with Elliott huh? I am practically raising him on my own!" (Y/N) is shouting now, pulling at her hair "don't gimme that bull shit! I'm the one working to provide the money that you need for all this!" I exclaim, (Y/N) shakes her head, glaring at me "I'm sick of living like this, I'm leaving. Don't try to contact me" she says bluntly, and before I can react, she grabs Elliott from the next room and leaves.

Ashton: I tuck my head in between my knees, trying to calm my headache, my vision is blurry, my mouth dry "oh god" I groan, pulling at my hair, I hear the sound of footsteps and I look up as (Y/N) sits next to me on the grass "I know it's a lot to take in Ash" she mumbles, wrapping her cardigan tighter around her body to conceal her baby bump, as if seeing it will make me feel worse, it doesn't matter, the sonogram picture is imprinted firmly in my mind, thinking about it again makes me feel woozy and I tuck my head back in between my knees "(Y/N) I-I don't know whether-whether I can do this...I can't a parent (Y/N)-I'm not-I'm not ready for this" I mumble, shaking my head, I look up slowly to see (Y/N), her eyes are full of hurt and I bite my lip "I can't do it alone Ash! How can you do this to me?! You're the one that got me pregnant!" She exclaims, getting to her feet "I'm really sorry (Y/N)" I mumble, I look away from her, breathing deeply, and soon I hear her stalk off.

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