Your Brother's Best Friend

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Luke: You rub the sleep out of your eyes as you trudge towards the kitchen, wearing nothing but panties and your twin brother's hockey jersey, you yawn and open the fridge, grabbing the milk and chugging it from the carton

"ah you must be (Y/B/N)'s sister" a voice says behind you, you jump, dropping the milk, you turn around to face a handsome guy with sandy blond hair, tanned skin and a lip ring "I'm Luke" he grins, you give him a weak smile and grab some paper towels, cleaning up the mess

you are shocked when you see him crouching next to you to help you "it's (Y/N)...right?" he smirks, you nod and make eye contact briefly before looking away "what a lovely name" he muses, you blush, giving him a shy smile, despite the fact that your stomach is erupting with the whole animal kingdom

you both stand and throw out the wet paper towels "so I hope I'll see you around babe" he says, scanning your body, you laugh nervously and he winks making you swoon "I better run, before your brother gets suspicious" he smirks, jogging off, you sit down and place you hand over your heart, smiling like an idiot.

Michael: "Can you turn the stupid game down!" you yell, glaring at your brother and his best friend Michael, your brother ignores you, but Michael picks up the remote and turns it down

"sorry (Y/N)" he grins sheepishly, you shrug and give him a small smile, as he and your brother play he constantly sneaks glances at you, winking or smiling or making a funny face.

Calum: "Cal" you giggle as he works his lips up your jaw, he smirks at you and presses his lips to yours "I better get out of here before your brother wakes up" he breaths, climbing out of your bed and tugging on his jeans

you pout and he chuckles "I'll see you tonight okay? If not sooner, but I better get going babe" he says, kissing your lips quickly before leaving, you sigh, wishing he could have stayed longer

but it doesn't really work that way when you're dating your brother's best friend in secret.

Ashton: "So (Y/N), you're sixteen?" Ashton asks, eyeing you up and down, you nod "well I've always liked the sweet, young ones" he smirks, your brother smacks his head and he laughs, keeping his eyes on you "it's true, they're a lot more...tender and tight" he grins, you blush "alright that's my sister dude" your brother snaps, shoving Ashton into the living room, leaving you all flustered.

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