He Catches Your Daughter With A Guy

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Calum: "What the fuck?!" You hear Calum shout "language Cal! The kids are home!" You reprimand him "get over here and see what one of the kids is doing!" He exclaims

You sigh and stand up and make your way to your daughter's room, where you heard Calum's voice coming from, he's standing there, his arms crossed, glaring into the room, you peek over his shoulder and gasp

"Oh my god!" You cry, in front of you, you see your sixteen year old daughter Adriana covering up her body with her duvet, whilst a young boy scrambles around her room, putting on his clothes "oh my god!" You repeat

The boy finishes dressing and runs past you and out the front door "Adriana Joy Hood what on earth were you thinking?!" Calum growls "I-I-I don't know daddy!" She whimpers, widening her eyes innocently

"Don't daddy me!" He snaps, stalking into the room, he sits at the foot of Adriana's bed and runs his hands through his hair "Adri...how could you?" He asks, staring at the floor "dad I love him" she mumbles

"You love him? Adriana you're sixteen! You don't know what love is for fucksake!" Calum shouts, standing abruptly "I-I can't believe you! You could get pregnant, you could catch an STD, you could get hurt!" He yells, the veins in his neck pulsing

"But I won't dad! He's always careful! He loves me!" She cries "you are so naive! Boys your age don't love girls! They fuck them and they cheat on them and they dump them! I was that age once too, I know how it works!" He snarls

"But I love him!" Adriana sobs "no you don't! You think you do but you don't you don't! " Calum roars, you come up behind him and lay your hand on his arm, trying to calm him down "Cal I think that's enough" you say softly

"No phone, laptop or t.v for six months Adriana, and you're grounded, you are not to leave this house except to attend school...I'm so disappointed in you" he growls, stalking out of her room, you sigh and follow after him, feeling a little bad.

Ashton: "Ash, you're gonna want to see this" you whisper, shaking Ashton awake "hmm wha?" He mumbles "you're not gonna be happy" you mutter, you climb out of bed and lead him to your daughter Amber's room

You open the door slowly and point to the bed, where the seventeen year old is fast asleep in the arms of a boy around her age, both of them are naked, and there are clothes scattered over the floor, as well as a used condom

The window is open and the breeze flutters the curtains, you glance up at Ashton nervously, his jaw is clenched tight and so are his fists "let's go back to bed" you whisper, you close the door and the two of you head back to your shared bedroom

"I honestly thought you'd blow up right there" you chuckle, climbing into bed "it took a lot of control not to, the only thing that stopped me was the fact that we used to do the exact same thing, heck we were doing that back when you were fourteen, and I mean she's seventeen...it's to be expected" he mumbles, propping himself up on his elbows

"I'm proud of you" you giggle, rubbing his arm "remember when your dad caught us? Oh god, I nearly shit myself I was so scared" Ashton smirks "how could I forget, I got grounded for a year!" You laugh "yeah but we still snuck around" he grins

"Oh yeah, those were the days" you say softly, pressing your lips to Ashton's "at least this guy is being safe, which is more than I can say for myself" he muses "yeah I think you'd better start using condoms, we've got enough kids" you laugh, leaning back on your pillow "well good night babe, I'm knackered" you yawn "you're kidding right? This huge thing just happened to our first born and you wanna sleep?" He exclaims, you shrug, giggling.

Michael: "oh my fucking god!" Michael screams, you rush over to him and a scream escapes your mouth too, because in front of you is your fourteen year old daughter, naked and straddling a boy who looks at least four or five years older than her

She turns around and sees both of you and gasps, she scrambles off the guy who doesn't even bother getting dressed before hurrying out as she pulls on a t-shirt "Trish what the hell?!" You cry

"Uh...um I'm sorry!" She squeaks "you're sorry?! Patricia Aliana Clifford are you insane?! How old was that guy?!" Michael shouts "nineteen" Patricia whispers, Michael's jaw drops and his eyes bug out

"Michael" you say softly, laying your hands on his shoulders "relax" you murmur, stroking his cheek, his green eyes focus on yours and he takes a deep breath before turning back to your daughter

"Patricia, your father and I are going to...discuss this, but for now just...just uh...you're grounded" you say firmly.

Luke: When you arrive home you are surprised to hear your husband shouting loudly "Luke what's wrong?" You ask, stepping into the living room

Luke stands in front of you, his blue eyes blazing with anger and his jaw clenched, behind him sits your sixteen year old daughter, who is sobbing, and her boyfriend Caleb who has his arms wrapped around her protectively and a dazed look on his face

"What's wrong is that our sixteen year old daughter is pregnant!" He bellows, a muffled sob comes from your daughter and you gasp "Holly is this true?" You ask, your voice hushed

She nods, not even daring to look up at you, your breath catches in your throat and you sit down slowly, suddenly feeling faint "I can't-I...Holly I thought we could trust you" you murmur, she hiccups and Caleb soothes her, kissing her forehead subtly

"And Caleb-Caleb how could you? Luke and I talked to you, and you promised you wouldn't do anything" you mumble, laying your palm across your forehead "I'm sorry Mrs. Hemmings, but I promise I won't desert Holly, I'll be here" he assures you

"How the fuck are we supposed to trust you?!" Luke snarls, his fists clenched, Caleb's mouth opens and closes, but no sound comes out "Luke calm down" you whisper "calm down?! (Y/N) how am I supposed to calm down?! Holly is pregnant!" He exclaims

"I know that Luke I'm not stupid" you breathe "she's sixteen (Y/N)! For godsake! She's going to have to drop out of school!" He shouts "I know that" you mutter "why are you acting like this is my fault" Luke yells, glaring at you

"I'm not" you whimper "you're acting like a wounded animal! Don't you realise how serious this is?! Our daughter is pregnant! Why are you acting this way?!" He demands "because I was there too! It happened to me too! I was the pregnant sixteen year old! And I know how it feels!" You scream, choking down your sobs

Everyone looks at you in shock and you focus your eyes on your daughter's teary blue ones "he was still born, I was too careless, and it's haunted me my whole life, it was before I met your father and my parents threw me out" you tell her

"Oh mum" she says softly, her voice scratchy from crying "god look at me, thirty nine and crying like a kid" you mutter in disgust "(Y/N) I-I think you and I need to uh talk" Luke stammers looking shell-shocked.

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