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Luke: He's a sleepy drunk, the alcohol slowing his reflexes, he'll lurch up the stairs and flop face down next to you in bed, reeking of sweat and beer, he'll pull you close to him, closing his eyes and nuzzling your neck.

Michael: He's an angry drunk, he'll stomp around, his eyes stormy and dark, his lips twisted into a frown, he won't hesitate to punch anyone who crosses his path, the only person he is able to restraint himself with is you, even hitting his best friends when he feels like it.

Ashton: He's a horny drunk, his sweet lips leaving fiery kisses over your skin, his large hands pulling your clothes off and tugging you towards the closest available bedroom, bathroom, or closet. He'd mumble dirty things in your ear till you gave in and he'd fuck you rough, the alcohol coursing through his veins making him forget all about being gentle with you.

Calum: He's a happy drunk, stumbling along, laughing as he trips over his own feet, he'll pull out his phone, mumbling the lyrics to 'Drunk Texting' as he messages you, giggling to himself, knowing he'll be in trouble when you see him.

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