Chapter 160 - After the Victory

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Summary: Purah's team visits the shrine on Eventide Island, and Lapha later notices something unusual. Mipha's and Link's family celebrate their victory over a meal together, and afterward Mipha and Link share a quiet moment.

It was a sunny afternoon as Purah, Robbie, and Lapha were seated on a high-speed North Hyrule boat that skimmed across the green waters of the Necluda Sea toward Eventide Island.

"This boat is remarkably quiet for its speed, isn't it, Robbie?" said Purah. "It's very impressive technology."

Robbie just nodded as he was busy calculating their speed in his head as a mental challenge. Later he would check his calculations using his Tab's map and travel time.

Meanwhile, Lapha quietly looked out the boat's side as they passed the now deserted Tenoko Island. That tiny islet was only a little larger than the ancient shrine it housed, but was the source of so much suffering for Hateno Village and her little brother as well. A pair of Lizalfos from Tenoko Island had nearly killed Linky. Thank Nayru that Mila had saved him in time! Speaking of which, she still could not determine scientifically how her sister's and mother's healing ability worked. It remained something beyond their current understanding. Just then, a small school of blue Armored Porgies hurried away from the boat's path, breaking her concentration. Like any Zora, Lapha's eyes were better adapted for seeing through water, and she watched the fish swim away, then turned her gaze straight ahead.

Their destination was Eventide Island, and you could make out sandy Toronbo Beach, the tropical jungle behind it, and tall Koholit Rock with its enigmatic shrine at the summit. The Zora pilot slowed the boat as it neared the shore, then steered it onto the beach along the southwest part of the island and helped everyone disembark. Since the two North Hyrule Zora guards planned to accompany Purah's team on their trek to the summit, Purah wondered how they intended to moor the boat, as there was nothing nearby to secure it to. But the boat's pilot pulled out his Tab, and with the press of his finger, activated a Stasis spell on the ship, holding it in place on the shore.

"Someone after my own heart!" exclaimed Purah. "But aren't you worried about what will happen to the boat when you release the Stasis?"

"Sorry?" said the pilot.

"When you release the Stasis effect upon our return, isn't it possible that the waves and wind hitting the boat in the meantime will accumulate sufficient kinetic energy to cause it to shoot off into the sea or, even worse, crash onto the shore at high speed and damage itself?" Purah asked.

"Oh, I see what you mean," said the pilot. "Yes, for an ordinary boat, that would be a concern. But this boat has an internal mechanism of Sheikah design, something that redirects external forces as they occur, making sure they essentially cancel out. When we release the Stasis effect, the boat will barely budge."

"Amazing!" said Purah, remembering the incident with the door to the Ancient Tech Lab. "I should like to study how that is done."

"One thing at a time, please, Dr. Purah," said Robbie, impatient to get on with their trip. "We have a shrine to investigate."

"Yes, yes, of course," said Purah. "Let's proceed."

They made their way directly East, frightening away a pair of Blue Winged Herons pecking for food. The two North Hyrule guards used their Tabs to check for any nearby monsters, but their Tab screens showed they were alone on the island. The only sounds were the cries of birds, the rhythmic splash of the sea against the shore, and the rustling of palm tree leaves in the brisk offshore breeze. After a short walk inland, they began the climb that took them to a plateau and the site of the ruined settlement.

"These ruins still intrigue me," said Purah when they reached the ancient settlement, and they briefly surveyed their surroundings.

"We may never know what happened here," said Robbie as he looked up toward the peak of Koholit Rock. "But we should press on, Dr. Purah. We still have a steep climb ahead of us."

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