Chapter 58 - Underwaterblight Ganon - Part 3

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Summary: Link reunites with his children for the first time as a Zora. Mipha outlines her plan for Link's training, and lessons start at once as Link catches his dinner. During their first night together, Link comes to truly appreciate the significance of Mipha's remark over twenty years earlier. All is not work and no play, as the children help with their father's training, and Mipha and Link spend some time together as a Zora couple. Meanwhile, Ganon's creature seems content, for now, to remain dormant at the bottom of Lake Hylia.

Link was pacing back and forth in their bedroom as Mipha spoke to their children in the dining room. He had not seen his four children in over three weeks, and that was when he said goodbye as a Hylian. Now he had returned home as a Zora and needed to remain so at least until Ganon's creation could be destroyed. He was hoping whatever Mipha was saying to his children would help them understand and accept him. Becoming a Zora wasn't his idea. He was sacrificing his body and doing what he could to help Hyrule. As Hylia's chosen one, that was his duty. But it was also his way of expressing gratitude to the Goddess for all she had done for him in life.

Since he was married to a Zora and lived among them, at least his transformation to a Zora had some positive aspects. Thank Hylia, she didn't need him to become a Goron! A diet of rocks did not sound very appealing. Or maybe a Rito would have been even worse, listening to Revali gloating every day and probably mocking his attempts to learn how to fly. At least Mipha loved him and would help him, not mock him. Well, not unless she was teasing him. So, he should be thankful for small blessings.

Mipha said she would call for him when she was finished explaining things to the children, and now he was waiting for her to finish. He could hear Mipha's voice, but not the words she spoke. Then he heard her stop speaking and soon after heard everyone laughing. That was strange. He didn't think the topic was humorous. The next thing he heard was Mipha calling his name. The moment he had been dreading had finally arrived.

He took as deep a breath as his now smaller lungs allowed and walked into the dining room where Mipha's meeting with the children had taken place. They were all seated at the table. But as soon as he entered the room, his four children ran up to him, and he got a giant four-way hug. He was overwhelmed. Then, as was often the case, Mila became their spokesperson.

"Welcome home, Dad," said Mila. "We all missed you. Be careful wiping your eyes. You have very sharp nails now. You look great, by the way."

Link held onto all four of them in a giant hug, his eyes tearing up. He was slightly taller than Mila and Midon now. Lapha and young Link were hugging him around his waist, Mila and Midon taking opposite shoulders. He looked over at Mipha. She was laughing and shaking her head.

"My big speech was unnecessary. You four never cease to surprise me," said Mipha to the children. "I should have given you more credit. But thank you."

"Now, can we take a good look at the new you, Dad?" said Mila stepping back with the others.

Link was taller now, roughly the same height as a typical adult Zora. His pigmentation was a light blue. In fact, in a bit of irony that would provoke occasional teasing from Mipha in the weeks ahead, his skin coloring now exactly matched the color of his Hylian Champion tunic. Mipha would tease him that he couldn't bear to part with his tunic because of his feelings for the Hylian Princess who gave it to him. He must have wanted it to become his skin, she laughed. The most striking aspect of his new appearance, however, was his eye color. He retained the same bright blue eye color he had as a Hylian, and that was far different from any other Zora in the Domain. His face carried the hint of a smile in his expression. Mipha said it made him look kind and happy, and also handsome. He was also more muscular than other Zora's, probably a byproduct of all his Hylian combat training. Some of his muscle structure must have carried over during the process. His other characteristics seemed typical of any male Zora, at least as far as he could tell.

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