Chapter 180 - Coming of Age and Conclusion

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Summary: Over four years have passed, and Astra reaches adulthood as she celebrates her seventeenth birthday in Zora's Domain. The next day, Zelda and Link accompany Astra to the Spring of Wisdom. Finally, Link concludes his journal with a personal statement.

It was morning in Zora's Domain, as Link took his journal down from its shelf, needing both hands to lift it. He noticed some dust on the cover and took a moment to wipe it clean, then returned it to the shelf. He stopped to think. How long had it been? It must be over four years now since his last written entry. He had spent those years enjoying his family and performing his duties as Zora Ambassador. But there had been no dramatic adventures to pull him away and send Mipha and him to Hylia knows where. Life had remained uneventful, and whatever noteworthy events that happened were someone else's story, not theirs. In short, there had been nothing worth writing about.

Of course, it wasn't as if nothing happened in Hyrule all this time. Purah and Robbie kept busy researching Sheikah technology, the fruits of their stream of discoveries at the Forgotten Temple. Public transportation continued to improve, and even the Gorons stopped complaining about the lack of tourist access after work there was finally completed. Revali and Daruk were still Revali and Daruk. And Princess Zelda took on more of her mother's duties while she and Randall raised their cute son Horwell.

However, this year was different and a noteworthy one for Link's family. Linky would turn thirty in another month, and Mila and Midon had both turned forty almost two months before. But most importantly, Astra was about to turn seventeen. Ironically, the ages of forty and seventeen were considered the age of adulthood by Zoras and Hylians, respectively.

For Zoras, the age of adulthood was a relatively informal affair unless some legal matter was involved. Zoras were usually considered adults somewhere between the ages of forty and sixty, depending on the person.

But for Hylians, turning seventeen was a significant milestone, and especially so for Hyrule princesses. They were expected to complete their spiritual training by praying at the Spring of Wisdom, the last of the three sacred shrines.

After Astra turned twelve, she had asked if she could alternate future birthday celebrations between Zora's Domain and Hyrule Castle, the odd ones occurring in the Domain. And so, her seventeenth birthday celebration was to be held in Zora's Domain, and the family had planned a large party complete with some top-rated musical talent. Afterward, Astra would make the customary pilgrimage to the Spring of Wisdom, and Queen Zelda and Link had agreed to accompany her there.

As had become Astra's custom on odd age birthday years, she had celebrated with her sister Zelda, Prince Randall, and her nephew Horwell at a small private dinner and party the night before.

"Thanks for a fun time," said Astra as she hugged everyone goodnight after finishing a piece of birthday cake. "I should go so Horwell can get to bed before it's too late."

"Congratulations again," said Randall.

"Happy Birthday, Aunt Astra!" said Horwell.

Astra hugged Randall and Horwell goodnight and then prepared to return to her room.

"I'll walk you back to your room," said Princess Zelda, then they left and walked down the hallway to Astra's bedroom. Zelda took Astra's hand, a habit neither had outgrown.

"I guess you're too big to tuck in and tell a bedtime story to now," said Zelda. "I still remember how cute you were, so excited each night to hear an adventure story. It's hard to believe you'll be seventeen!"

"I know, and I'll never forget how much fun you made those stories, Zel, and for spending that special time with me. You've been a wonderful sister - the best!" said Astra.

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