Chapter 145 - Oft Go Awry

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Summary: Mila recounts what happened on the day of the attack on Hyrule.

Mila sighed as she looked over the large number of notes she had assembled and organized. Her Dad had left publishing this chapter to her, but she didn't mind. That way, it would likely get done sooner! But it had taken her some considerable time to gather all the information, the facts she would need to tell the story of what happened in those few hours. Like any good historian, she had spoken to witnesses and double-checked sources. It was hard to believe so much had occurred in so short a time. Telling the story almost seemed longer than the story itself. The day had been uneventful until the evening. She would get to the point and begin the story then. Here goes, she thought, as she began dictating the story into her Tab.

The day had finally arrived for the Yiga Clan attack. Captain Kaplan of the Yiga Clan had carefully thought through what needed to be done. Dark Link may have been the strategist, but he was the master tactician, the one who could fill in the details of what to do and how to do it to accomplish their goals. And he had done just that in his briefings with his three lieutenants.

The first order of business that day was the abduction of Queen Zelda, and he had briefed Kenyon's team carefully on his plan. He was confident they would succeed.

It was early evening, and Yiga Clan lieutenant Kenyon was dressed as a Royal Guard lieutenant and accompanied by two Yiga warriors dressed as Hyrule guards. The two guards were carrying a rug, and they were approaching Queen Zelda's office, where they knew she was working alone. Two members of the Royal Guard stood guard outside her door.

"Yes, Sir?" asked one of the two guards at the door.

"Her Majesty spilled some ink on her rug and asked for it to be replaced," said Kenyon as he held up his Tab, which showed a counterfeit message from Queen Zelda.

"It's odd that Her Majesty didn't ask us to handle it," said the senior guard on duty with a puzzled expression. "Are you new here, Sir?"

"I just transferred here from the Akkala Citadel to oversee maintenance and supplies for the Royal Family," said Kenyon. "Not very exciting work, but closer to home for me."

"Very well," said the guard as he opened the door.

The three entered the room and promptly closed the door.

"What is going on?" Queen Zelda said, standing up.

Then Zelda's world went dark as Kenyon shot her with a tranquilizer dart, and they rushed forward to catch her as she fell. The two disguised as guards rolled her prone body inside the rug and made sure everything was secure. Meanwhile, Kenyon took Zelda's Tab and made some noise as if the furniture was being moved. When all was ready, he cracked the door and then played a recording from his Tab in a voice that sounded like Zelda's.

"Thank you. Please tell the guards outside I do not wish to be disturbed," said Zelda's voice.

"I guess you heard Her Majesty," said Kenyon as the two phony guards carried the rug out the door, and Kenyon closed it behind them, dropping his Tab as he did so. This distracted the guards from examining the rug too closely.

"Thanks," said Kenyon to the guard that helped him pick up his Tab.

They made their way outside the castle where motorized transport awaited. Speed was important now. Another team of three Yiga were waiting there, carrying an identical rug, and Kenyon handed them Zelda's Tab. That decoy team then left at once, while Kenyon's team with Zelda waited for thirty minutes.

"This is going better than I hoped," said Kenyon. "I think we can go. It doesn't look like an alarm is being sounded."

The vehicles the Yiga used were high speed, and they quietly thanked Zelda for building such fine roads across Hyrule. Both teams sped back to the Thyphlo Ruins, one from the east and the other from the west sides of the castle. It was slightly over four hours before midnight by the time the teams arrived. One Yiga soldier tossed Zelda's Tab into the bottomless swamp, and then they carried Zelda's unconscious body below to the hideout where the Poe Collector was waiting.

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