Chapter 25 Supplement - Hero of Twilight and Ilia

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If you ship Midlink, skip this chapter. If you ship Illink, keep reading.

Summary: During excavation around the area formerly occupied by Ordon Village, a journal was found believed to have belonged to the Hero of Twilight. These are some notes from a part of that journal.

Chapter Notes: This describes what happened to the Hero of Twilight after the previous chapter's events. It involves the relationship between Link and Ilia, so anyone with no interest in that can ignore it. It is not part of the Mipha x Link narrative.

These are notes from a journal kept by the Hero of Twilight

The Link from the future had just left, and beyond all hope, Midna was in his arms now.

He had missed Midna. After all their time together, the finality of her goodbye was sudden and unexpected. He knew she needed to return to the Twilight Realm, but he thought there would be a way to see her again. Instead, she had shattered the Mirror of Twilight. And with it, she had broken his dreams.

He had only just begun to know her in her natural form since, during most of their time together, she had been under an evil spell, turned into an impish creature by evil magic. Their time together had drawn them close, and both had developed feelings for each other. But when she stood up and turned to face him after his final battle, and he finally saw her for who she really was, he had stood there staring at her, speechless, in awe at her beauty. Then they had only a short time together as she and Zelda traveled with him to the Arbiter's Grounds.

Midna and Zelda exchanged a few words, and then Midna had shed a tear, started to tell him something, then thought better of it and said only "see you later." She looked at him with a sad smile as she faded away. After that, he had stood there with Zelda, stunned, trying to understand what had just happened and why. Zelda had said a few words to him, but he couldn't recall any of them. Finally, it was time to go. There was nothing there for him anymore.

So, he began the long journey back home, all alone. It was hard to accept that the shadow companion who had teased him so much and cared for him so much was no longer riding along with him. He pondered what to do next. He needed to do something, but he could not simply resume his life in Ordon Village herding goats-not while he was still so grief-stricken over Midna. He needed to do something more challenging to get his mind off her, something that made use of the combat skills he had learned from one of his predecessors. He planned to collect some of his belongings from home and then head off to whatever adventures he could find. To help him forget, he would need to stay busy. Perhaps he could become a knight in Princess Zelda's service.

But then, finally arriving home from the Arbiter's Grounds in the evening, he found a person claiming to be from the future waiting in his house. And this person told him there was a way for him to be together with Midna again. Using Twilight Portals and Timeshift Stones, he had been able to return to the Twilight Realm. And now he was together with Midna, and she had told him she missed him too. They felt happy in each other's arms. Now he could get to know her as the person she truly was.

"I told you, little wolf, I would see you later," Midna laughed. "I drove a hard bargain with the people from the future to get you here. And now we are companions again."

He would always be her little wolf. So they began their lives together in the Twilight Realm.

Link grew to love the twilight. It was calm and peaceful there, as she had said it was. It had a gentle beauty that grew on him. When she wasn't busy with her royal duties, they would travel together, visiting locations beyond the Twilight Palace that also had a beauty all their own. The Twilight Realm was much like Hyrule in its springs and waterfalls. Of course, many plants and flowers could not survive here, but some ferns and ivy could as well as others he didn't recognize that must have adapted to the conditions.

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