Chapter 62 - Live In My World? - Part 3

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Summary: As Mipha and Link return home, Zelda learns of Link's situation. In a call with Link later that day, she stresses her belief that his duty as the hero is to be a Hylian, but leaves the decision to his conscience. After a vote by the former Champions and a discussion with Daruk, Link reluctantly accepts Zelda's view and agrees to return to a Hylian before his physical blueprint expires. As their dream of a happy Zora life together ends, Mipha and Link are both heartbroken. Not even Sheikah Technology can mend a broken heart. Can it?

Mipha and Link awoke early and boarded the boat that would travel from Lurelin Village to Lanayru Bay, the first step on their journey home. They sat with their arms around each other, and as soon as they were seated, Link leaned over and kissed her. For the sixth time that morning.

"You still can't stop doing that, can you?" laughed Mipha. "I love the affection, but I hope you will have those impulses under control before we get back to the Domain. I really worry about you!"

"Don't worry," said Link. "I only have impulses for you."

"Such a romantic turn of phrase!" laughed Mipha. "You sound like Dr. Purah."

The boat filled with tourists, Hylians returning to Hateno Village, or stopping there first on their way home.

"Any thoughts about where to go next?" said Mipha.

"Well, there needs to be water nearby," said Link. "How about the Lake Floria region? There are some very picturesque waterfalls there and tropical forests. We just need to be mindful of thunderstorms and keep out of Farosh's way. But I have experience there and know what to do."

"Alright, that sounds interesting," said Mipha. "I've never been there."

"Have I told you how completely happy I feel now, being with you like this? I want this never to end," said Link.

"Yes, I've gotten that distinct impression," said Mipha. "Both verbally and physically. And I'm happier than ever, too."

They shared a seventh kiss as they waited for departure.

Meanwhile, at Hyrule Castle, Zelda was having her regular staff meeting with key members of her government. After Dr. Purah, as Chief Scientist, gave her report on current scientific activity, Zelda had a question.

"Dr. Purah, thank you for your report," said Zelda. "That was all very clear. But I just remembered something. I have been meaning to ask if you knew how Link's transformation back to a Hylian went? I was a bit concerned about his safety but assumed everything went well since I hadn't heard anything. And also, I was hoping to honor Mipha and him for their courageous efforts when they were both available."

"Link is still a Zora, Your Majesty," said Purah. "When the Sheikah reminded him of the one-year deadline for a simpler reverse transformation, he replied that he had not yet decided if he would be returning to a Hylian at all."

"What? You're not serious!" said Zelda. "He is considering remaining a Zora? That's ridiculous! Mipha or her family must be influencing him in some way. He's the Hero of Hyrule and can't be anything but a Hylian. Alright, thank you, Dr. Purah. I will speak to him about this as soon as possible."

After her meeting ended, Zelda sent like a Tab message. The boat was already underway when Link's Tab notified him of the message.

Zelda @Link: Dr. Purah informed me you have not yet reversed your transformation. I would like a private call with you as soon as possible to discuss your intentions.

Link @Zelda: Of course, Zelda. Mipha and I will be home in a few hours. We are on a ferry at the moment. Will that be acceptable to you?

Zelda @Link: Yes. Let me know when you are home and can talk.

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