Chapter 143 - The Third Flame

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Summary: Zelda's concerns about Astra prompts Link to reveal her parentage. The Yiga Clan works to ignite the third and final flame.

It was a rainy evening by Hyrule Castle as a steady downpour soaked the grounds and large raindrops pattered against the castle windows. Queen Zelda, Mipha, and Link were seated comfortably inside the small family dining room, enjoying dinner together, a nearby fireplace keeping the room warm and dry. The room had been filled with laughter most of the evening, the latest topic being some pranks the two had pulled on Link over the years.

"Link, I still remember the look on your face," laughed Zelda as they reminisced. "I wish I had my Sheikah Slate handy for a picture."

"I remember that incident," laughed Link. "You two were merciless to a poor innocent knight, pretending you were upset that I kept you waiting. I was too polite and too deferential to royalty back then. I should have known better with you two."

"Poor innocent knight indeed! You were such an easy tease, Link," laughed Zelda. "Mipha and I used to wink and smile at each other. But we knew you had a wonderful sense of humor. You always took our teasing with good grace."

"We had some funny moments," agreed Mipha. "But it was all good-natured fun, sweetheart. I knew you wouldn't be upset."

"No, I got over it quickly," said Link. "But dealing with two princesses at once was a royal pain – pun intended."

Everyone laughed.

"The meal was delicious, Zelda," said Mipha. "Thank you."

"I'm glad you liked it," said Zelda. "I know you have a taste for Porgies."

They resumed their conversation until a powerful gust of wind blew a loud splash of rain across a nearby window, making them all stop and look up. That seemed to remind Zelda of something because she suddenly grew serious.

"I invited you both here for two reasons," said Zelda. "The main one being your company. I have fun every time you visit, and it cheers me up. I hope it does the same for you. I've had strange dreams lately, and that often portends something evil will happen. I draw comfort in knowing that I can count on both of you to help protect our people."

"We will, Zelda," said Link. "Doing that has been my life's work."

"And the Zora people and I will do our part," added Mipha.

"I appreciate hearing you both say that, though I never doubted it," said Zelda. "But I have another reason I wished to speak with both of you, a more personal one. Now that Rudin is gone, I am concerned about Astra. Should anything happen to me, I would like you two to raise her. I could ask her older sister to do that, but she would have her hands full as the new Queen of Hyrule and taking care of her little one, Horwell. I would feel better knowing you were both willing to take care of Astra."

"Zelda, we will not let...," Link began, but Zelda interrupted him.

"I too hope nothing happens to me, Link," said Zelda. "But it would comfort me to know that if it should, then Astra will be with two people she loves and who both love her. I wanted your consent before I stipulated that in my will."

Link and Mipha glanced at each other, then Mipha spoke up.

"You can rest easy about that, Zelda," said Mipha. "We will both take loving care of Astra should anything happen to you. Though we both pray that nothing will."

"Thank you," sighed Zelda. "I feel much better on both matters now. Let's have something sweet for dessert and end the meal on a cheerful note."

That night after dinner, when Mipha and Link returned to the room in the castle reserved for them, Mipha spoke up.

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