Chapter 49 - A Shadow Arises - Part 6

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A Shadow Arises - Part 6

Summary: The enemy's plan is discovered and reveals a surprising target, but Link's final encounter with her does not end as planned.

When Mipha and Link arrived at Hyrule Castle, they were greeted by the guards who had been told to expect them. Then they were escorted directly to the room where Zelda and Rudin were working.

"Mipha and Link," said Zelda rushing over to them and hugging them both. "Thank you for coming and sorry it is under such terrible circumstances."

"Hello Mipha and cousin," said Rudin shaking Link's hand. "It's been a long time."

"Yes, it has," said Link. "You look well."

"And you look too young!" laughed Rudin. "But Zelda told me all about Purah's rune."

"I had the usual guest room prepared for you whenever you wish to rest. Have you eaten? Are you hungry?" said Zelda.

"Well, you know me," said Link. "I could use a bite to eat."

"Certainly," laughed Zelda. "And it's nice to see some things haven't changed. We can discuss what we know while we eat an early dinner."

Zelda signaled one of the guards and asked him to request meals be brought in for everyone.

"So, you were mistaken about the host?" said Link.

"Well, I'm not sure 'mistaken' is quite the right word," said Zelda. "I am certain this person was the host, but somehow this being has moved on from him without his being able to recall anything that happened with her. She somehow erased his memory."

"So, it seems this being has left the person you suspected and moved on to someone else. Is there any way to narrow down who that might be?" said Link.

"No, it's impossible to say," said Zelda. "His name is Lanon by the way, and he has been on guard duty at the castle entrance for the past two nights. Many people passed by him during that time, and any one of them could potentially be the new host. We really need a way to determine where this being is. And by the way, did you hear about the Great Fairy at Kakariko Village?"

"No, what about her?" said Mipha.

"This evil creature turned her into a pumpkin for no apparent reason," said Zelda. "Just for her own pleasure, I presume."

"Terrible," said Link. "But back to the matter at hand. I think it is safe to assume this being is still here at the castle. And I would think you are its ultimate target, Zelda. This reminds me of that time with the masks. Someone in the castle is not who they appear to be."

"For that matter, how do we know all of us in this room are who we appear to be?" said Rudin.

"I can prove I am not a host," said Link drawing the sword that seals the darkness. "I believe no evil creature can wield this blade and the sword could tell if I was taken over. And, Zelda, let me pass you the sword. You are also permitted to hold the sacred blade by virtue of your bloodline. And your daughter as well I imagine."

Link handed the sword to Zelda who held it briefly, then returned it to Link.

"Unfortunately, no one else is permitted to take the sword so we cannot use it as a test," said Link. "Not that I would want to do that. In the presence of this being, I want to have the sword safely in my own hands."

"So, all we can do is be vigilant about guarding key people," said Zelda.

Just then one of the guards appeared and said the Royal Historian, Hanlon, needed to speak with Zelda. The history scholars believe they have deciphered the message on the stone slab that had sealed the tomb in North Hyrule.

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