Chapter 114 - The Dog in the Nighttime

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Summary: The body from the Eldin Region is identified. Tara begins speaking. Link makes a rare journey to Rito Village to attend a ceremony honoring Revali.

It was two days after Princess Zelda's and Randall's wedding when the news went out to all the ambassadors and leaders throughout Hyrule. The person killed in the Eldin Region had been identified as none other than the missing Sheikah scientist Grendon.

Chief Saldon, Aldora, and a dozen other Sheikah were waiting at the pier in North Hyrule for the boat carrying Grendon's body back home. When the ship docked, four Sheikah took charge of Grendon's coffin and conveyed it to the Sheikah graveyard. Then a short service was held as his body was laid to rest, and everyone prayed that Grendon's spirit would rest in peace. Afterward, Chief Saldon walked back with his apprentice, Aldora.

"It's sad," sighed Aldora. "Master Grendon was certainly eccentric, but I don't believe he was a wicked person."

"Yes, he certainly was eccentric, and I agree he was not evil, just naive, as I feared," said Saldon. "It was a terrible way for his life to end. Have you thought at all about his last words?"

"Yes, I wrote them down," said Aldora as she consulted her Tab. "This is what the Gorons told us Grendon's dying words were. They informed us he struggled to get the words out, gasping for breath from his wound."

I was deceived. Tell them I'm sorry. It can't fool a Zora. Be sure to tell them.

"The first part of his statement is consistent with what we both believed," said Aldora. "It sounds like whomever Grendon was working with deceived him in some manner, and he later came to regret what he did. I imagine 'them' refers to us, his colleagues. Do you agree with me, Master?"

"Yes, that makes sense, and I do agree with you," said Saldon.

"The rest of his statement is unclear to me," said Aldora. "What is it that can't fool a Zora? And why was that so important he would use his last dying breath to tell us?"

"I don't know," said Saldon thoughtfully. "I think we will both have to ponder that last part further or await developments that clarify it."

Meanwhile, Link and the family had just finished dinner in Zora's Domain, when Link received a call. Looking at his Tab, he could see it was from the Rito Ambassador, Rayna. Link had spoken to Rayna on occasion, but it was confined mainly to business matters. He did not have the same closeness or camaraderie with her that he had with Laray, the North Hyrule ambassador, or the somewhat similarly named Gerudo ambassador Raynia or even the Goron ambassador Hadon.

"Go ahead and take the call, sweetheart," said Mipha as everyone got up to leave. "We're all taking Tara to the lake."

Link nodded as he answered the call.

"Zora Ambassador Link, this is Rito Ambassador Rayna," said Rayna. "Is this a convenient time for a brief call?"

"Yes, it's fine, Ambassador Rayna," said Link as he waved to the rest of the family as they left for their swim.

"Thank you. We here in Rito Village are holding a special dedication service to honor Master Revali, and naming a section of our village after him. We are inviting the ambassadors from each race to attend. I hope you will be able to join us and represent the Zora people. The ceremony is in one week, and I can Tab you the details."

"I would be happy to attend, but are you sure it's all right with Master Revali?" said Link.

"Yes, we already cleared the full invite list with Master Revali," said Rayna. "Why do you ask?"

"Forgive me, but did Master Revali say anything in particular when he saw my name on the list? We've known each other for quite a long time, and I just wondered what his reaction was."

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