Chapter 116 - Apple Picking

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Summary: Tila works on a gift for her husband. Link and Astra go apple picking. Mipha and Mila take a hike together.

It was early morning in Hyrule Castle, and it began in her mind as a point of light, then brightened as it grew larger, sending out bright golden rays. The golden light contrasted sharply with the black emptiness behind it, and from within the light, a voice spoke. It was a woman's voice, and it sounded kind, caring, loving even.

"Dear Zelda, my sweet child, you are very special to me. Protect yourself from any who would harm you. In the fullness of time, as you grow in years, you must also grow in wisdom, strength, and courage. Someday I may need your help," said the voice.

Then Astra woke up.

She saw it was morning, and she stopped to think about her dream. Who was speaking to her, and why were they calling her Zelda? This was the second time she had a dream like this. The first one happened soon after that evil Zora attacked her and Uncle Link.

Anyway, she needed to get ready for breakfast. But at least there were no tutors today, and she remembered Uncle Link was visiting later. It should be a fun day!

In Zora's Domain, Tila sat alone with Mipha in the kitchen after breakfast.

"Thank you so much for your advice, Mother," said Tila. "It's been difficult doing this without my husband noticing, and I've had to work on it when he's out. Without your guidance, I wouldn't know what to do. I want to surprise him and have this ready, so he can keep up with Tara in the water now that she's swimming so much better. How does it look so far?"

Tila held up a set of almost complete Zora Armor she had been working on.

"It looks almost perfect," said Mipha. "I think it just needs a little more work around the shoulders. I'm sure he'll love it, and it's a shame your people don't have the same custom as ours. But I suppose the legend that was the origin of our custom, the defeat of the Lizalfos general, happened with my people's ancestors, not yours."

"Yes, we've never had this tradition," said Tila. "But it is a nice one. I imagine your husband must have been thrilled when he received his armor from you, right?"

"He was when he finally saw it," said Mipha. "He thought the bundle I was carrying was our picnic lunch."

"Really? That's so funny!" laughed Tila.

"We were both on the shy side back then, so it was complicated," said Mipha.

"Let me hide this now," said Tila. "Link is waiting for me in the plaza with Tara. We're going to Veiled Falls this morning to give Tara some variety."

"Have fun!" said Mipha.

Tila hugged Mipha, then hid the armor and left to join Link and Tara.

Young Link and Tara were standing by the fountain in the plaza, and Tara was splashing and stamping her feet in the water. Just then, Larena walked by and saw them.

"Link! And here is Princess Tara!" said Larena looking at Tara. "Oh, she is adorable! Can I hold her?"

"Hi, Larena," said Link. "Sure, if she'll let you."

Larena squatted down and said hello to Tara, then reached out for her. Tara looked at Larena, then looked at Link.

"It's okay," said Link nodding to Tara.

Then Tara reached out and let Larena pick her up.

"You are one beautiful little girl!" said Larena hugging her.

"She's smart too," said Link. "She can already say a lot of words."

"Really?" said Larena. "Can you say my name? La- ray-nah?"

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