Chapter 66 - A Link to the Future - Part 2

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Summary: Link realizes what happened and sees the future that resulted. The question becomes what can and should be done about it.

Link stood staring at the monument that summarized in a few lines his entire life with Mipha, a life he thought he was still in the middle of living. But the monument was worded as if that life had ended long ago. And his daughter, Mila, was apparently Queen of the Zora now.

He had this aching feeling that events had suddenly played another terrible trick on him, and his life had taken a tragic turn, all for a stupid reason. But the reality of it had not sunk in yet. At the moment, he felt like this was some problem he could work his way out of.

As he thought back to what had happened, it all started to make some sense. The stone he saw glowing was not a Luminous Stone, after all. It was a TimeShift Stone or something similar. And when it shattered, it left him in whatever time it transported him to, which was apparently the future, and with no way to return.

Now he needed to think. He started to take in what must have happened and its implications. He had apparently been transported to the future. So, from everyone's perspective back in his time, he had simply disappeared. Mipha and his family must have assumed he was lost somehow. Clearly that was what the monument said, that he was lost at sea. They must have lived on believing he was dead. And for all practical purposes, he was dead to them.

And then he thought about the pain that must have caused them, and Mipha especially. When he lost her, he had barely remembered her. His feelings for her grew as he recalled their time together, and he remembered the pain it had caused him. But for Mipha, it would be different, much worse. She already knew him and loved him all too well. And that would make it all hurt that much more.

And now he felt angry at himself for being so utterly stupid. He should have been more cautious. It was suspicious to see a Luminous Stone glowing in the daytime, and he should have realized that. But being angry at himself would solve nothing. Now, what could he do? He took a deep breath. He would eventually need to go to the Domain. And then what? He would be like a ghost, someone returning from the dead. But what else could he do? Well, the first thing was to pray to Hylia for help.

"Goddess of Time, You have already favored me more than I could imagine. But I ask you once more to please hear my prayer and help me to make this right. As ever, I remain your faithful servant."

Then he resumed his journey to Zora's Domain.

When Link arrived at the entrance to the Domain, he was stopped by one of the guards there.

"Excuse me, Sir," said the guard. "The armor you are wearing looks rather special. I can see it is a handmade set of Zora Armor. Do you mind telling me where you got it?"

"I received it from my wife," said Link.

He noticed the guard touched something he wore on his belt.

"I am not aware of any Zora princesses married to a Hylian of your age," said the guard. "So I ask you once again, where did you get that armor? Such armor would be very precious to any Zora and very valuable."

"What? You think I stole it?" said Link. "And if I did, I would be foolish enough to walk right into Zora's Domain wearing it? I received it from my wife, Princess Mipha. What more can I say?"

"Whatever you say, you can say it with more respect for Queen Mipha, someone whose memory is revered by all in our Domain!" said the guard angrily. "I am afraid I find your answers unsatisfactory and have summoned our Captain to discuss this with you. That is him approaching now."

Another Zora knight approached carrying a Zora spear, and Link noticed he had blue eyes. The knight looked at him for a few moments and eyed what he was wearing. Finally, he spoke.

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