Chapter 81 - Faron Anniversary Holiday

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Summary: Mila and Link have a chance to talk as they return from North Hyrule to Zora's Domain. Mipha and Link then travel to the Faron region to celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.

Mila and Link were sitting side-by-side on the ferry to Lanayru Bay when Link swayed slightly in his seat, still feeling somewhat disoriented after having just transformed to a Zora only a short time earlier.

"Are you okay, Dad?" said Mila as she grabbed his shoulder to steady him.

"Yes, thanks, just a bit wavy as we say," said Link. "It does take a little while to get acclimated to the new body. Do I look alright?"

"You look fine," said Mila. "You know, it's a little ironic. When I was a child, I used to worry you would leave us someday and return to live with Hylians. I don't know why I felt that way, some childish insecurity I guess. And now you've done just the opposite: you've become one of us."

"Yes, I can see what you mean," laughed Link. "I do remember those times, sweetheart. I tried my best to comfort you and make you understand I would never leave, that you and our family came first in my life. Did it work?"

"It helped. You always made me feel better," said Mila. "I liked it when you held me, and I could feel your hair against my cheek as I put my head on your shoulder. I felt secure when you were holding me. I guess you're good at protecting princesses, even little ones."

"Well, I try," Link laughed. "I made something of a career out of it. But I'm glad to know I made you feel better."

"But even as I got older I still worried about you, not leaving so much as getting hurt or worse," said Mila. "I still do worry if truth be told. And can you blame me? Some of the adventures you had would scare anyone. Mom used to tell me not to worry, that you knew how to take care of yourself. But when I looked in her eyes, I could tell she was worried too. So, she only helped a little, but at least we could worry together."

"I'm sorry for that," said Link. "Some of it came with my duty as keeper of the sword entrusted to me. But I always tried to be careful, and especially so after I had a family. You may not realize it, but I thought of all of you before I acted. Mom can tell you I used to be more reckless, but not anymore. Besides my duty to Hyrule, I have a duty to all of you."

They quietly watched the Akkala shoreline and the Rist Peninsula pass by as the ferry continued south. Then Link glanced away to look at Mila. He could remember what she had told him about, holding her in his arms, her head on his shoulder, gently patting her tail fin and trying to soothe her. For some reason, she almost always came to him when she needed comforting. Now she was grown, not fully yet, but already taller than him as a Hylian. As a Zora, he was back to being taller than her, but he was seeing her as a Zora would see her now. She looked younger to him. When he was a Hylian, perhaps her height played a role in making him think of her as a fully grown adult. But now he could see that she was only a very young adult, which was more consistent with a Zora lifespan. As to Mila's overall appearance, she looked a bit like Mipha facially, but her skin color was more pinkish than the crimson red of her mother. And Mila had bright gold colored eyes, her most striking attribute. Even as a child it was hard to look away from them, they were so captivating. It was funny how each of his Zora children had different features. Midon had Mipha's bright red skin but turquoise eyes. Lapha had pale blue skin but the same bright golden eye color as Mila.

Mila noticed him looking at her.

"Everything okay, Dad?" said Mila.

"Sorry, just thinking about what you said and our family," said Link. "I hope you know how proud Mom and I are of you, Mila. You've grown to be a wonderful person, brave and kind and intelligent. You're everything a future leader needs to be. And a loving daughter as well."

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